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"HaJin! How are you?" He asked in an excited tone as I went inside the elevator.

I looked up because I was staring down at the floor and a smile immediately plastered on my face and my eyes lit up in excitement and happiness.

It was my boybestfriend, Bogum. He was a friend of mine since we were kids and he's a year older than me. We were so happy back then, but when I was in 9th grade, and he was in 10th grade, he and his family left Korea and went to America and since then, we haven't seen each other, but we're still in contact. But now, he's here. And I'm damn happy about ittttttt

"I'm good oppa(big brother), what about you?" I asked as we both hugged.

"I'm great. I missed youuuuu," he said happily.

Aww I missed you tooo

"I missed you too."

I smiled at him. Then the elevator's door opened and we both went out.

"Why are you here? I thought you aren't coming back because now you're busy with your work," I said as we started walking.

"Well, my parents wanted to go back here so we all went home to Seoul last week. I came here in Jeju the other day to have a short vacation," he explained.

I slowly nodded as a sign that I understood.

"Would you like to stay in my room first and talk?" I asked.

I know I shouldn't let him go inside our room but he's my bestfriend, I can trust him.

He nodded and we both went inside my and Jungkook's hotel room.

"Mm..Haj, why are you here in Jeju? Don't you live in Seoul?" He asked as we both sat on the bed.

(He calls me Haj)

"It's our vacation here. Our parents made us come here," I said.

He doesn't know that my parents arranged me in a marriage and that I'm married already.

"Our??" He asked confusedly.


I nodded in response.

"Whose our? You and..?"

'This is it. You should tell him HaJin! Tell him!' I said to myself in my mind.

"M—my husband.." I nervously replied.

'Get ready to hear him roar!!' I thought and then quickly covered my ears with my hands before he started to shout.

"Husband?!!!" He shouted

I don't know how to tell him. I mean..I do know, but..if he knows that the one I got married with is Jungkook...I guess World War 3 is gonna happen.

"Actually...I got married the other day."

"The other day?!!!"


"Why didn't you tell me???"

"...I was scared that if you'll know, you will—"

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