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Jungkook's view

Me and HaJin already went back home and then again, I was the one who carried her things back to her room since her bodyguards aren't here to help me. I lazily closed the cartrunk after getting all her things to her room. I went inside the house and took a bottle of water from the refrigerator to avoid dehydration. I walked to my room and changed my sweaty shirt with a new shirt. Plopping myself on the bed, I slowly closed my eyes.

I heard the sound of the door opening and didn't mind the person who came in and just covered my eyes with my arm. My bed sunk a bit and someone was poking my cheeks. I moved my arm that was covering my eyes and looked at her tiredly.

"Gwaenchanh-a?" Hearing her tone, it was worried.

"I'm fine, just tired that's all.."

"Oh..do you want to drink water? I can get one for you," she offered.

"Yes please."

With that, she left the room and later came back with a glass of water. She handed me the glass and I drank it.

"Thank you," I said and placed the glass on the coffee table beside my bed.

I leaned my back on the bed board properly and she also did the same, she stayed beside me. I scooted closer to her and hugged her tiny waist.

"I want this to grow big and we'll be a happy family."

I smiled, referring to her small stomach.

She let out a chuckle before saying, "We're still not ready Jungkook. We just realized that we like—I mean love each other, we shouldn't be so quick and think of having a baby just yet."

"But we'll have a baby soon, right?" I asked.

"Yes but..not now," she replied.

A long yawn escaped from my mouth and I covered my mouth with my hand.

"You should sleep, you're tired," she said and tried to shoo my arm that was wrapping around her waist.

"Stay here, sleep with me.."

"But Jungkook—"


"O—okay," she said and I snuggled to her even more. I can smell her rose scent that I love to smell so much. Hugging her tight, I fell asleep.

HaJin's view (6:27 pm)

Jungkook has been sleeping for about three hours and I'm just beside him, playing with my phone. He is still laying his arm on top of my stomach. I can feel his breath hitting my skin since he burried his face near my neck before taking his slumber.

He slowly moved his body and his eyelids slowly opening. When he saw me, he smiled and snuggled closer. I hugged him and pecked his cheek.

"How was your sleep?"

"Good. Thanks for staying.."

"Sure, now get up. I need to cook dinner."

He lets go and I stood up and went out of his room. I walked to the kitchen and made tteokbokki for us to eat. I took out the ingredients like fishcakes, tteok, and the other ingredients for the food.

When I was done, I placed it on the table and called Jungkook from his room and we both ate the food I cooked. When we were finished, I washed the plates and both of us stayed in the living room, watching some tv shows.

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