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Jungkook's view

"Uhm are you ready now?" I stuttered.

How can no one stutter when you're facing someone who looks like a Goddess?


She smiled and linked her arm around my elbow.

We left the house and opened the car's door and positioned properly on the seats.

I began to start the engine and drove going to the gate. I scrolled down the window in HaJin's door.

"Guard, we're leaving for a few hours, so..please guard the house properly."

The guard nodded and I scrolled up the window. The guard opened the gate and I continued.

"Jungkook-ah," she said in a cute and sweet tone which made me smile.

"What is it?" I asked in a very unusual tone towards speaking to people. Mm..what should I call it...happy-sweet tone?

"Are you—uh, are you done with Sandra? I mean—" She stuttered.

"Actually, I still haven't moved on with her. I'm using you for me to move on, but—I'm scared. Scared that if I succeed in moving on with her and suddenly feel in love with you, I might hurt you again.."

She remained silent, a sign that I should, too.

When we arrived in the mall, I opened the door for her. I lend her my hand and she accepted it.

The ticket booth was our first destination, so it's where we went. A new movie was now showing and I bought two tickets for us and we both walked in towards the cinema.


The movie ended and it was kinda nice. I'm happy that HaJin is with me now.

We went outside the cinema area and started walking. Wait a second, my stomach is rumbling, and HaJin noticed.

She chuckled.

"You're hungry?"

She again chuckled. I nodded.

"Let's go to the food court," she ordered.

She pulled me by my arm. We went to the second floor because the food court was there. We both said our orders to the waiter and later on, he served our meals.

Fooooooddddd, I was waiting for youuuuuuuuu

We started digging in. After we ate, I called the waiter's attention.

"How much is all of this?" I asked as I took out my wallet.

"15000 Won, sir," he said as he reached out the receipt. I paid him.

"Here's the change sir."

He handed me the change.

"It's okay, keep the change."

HaJin and I stood up and left the food court. Again, she linked her arm around my elbow. Is she this clingy? Mm...to be honest, I'm not used to her doing this to me, but I kinda like her being sweet to me:)

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