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Jungkook's view


I was shocked. This wasn't what I expected to hear from her.

"I'm not their real child Jungkook. I was adopted. I don't know who my real parents are but the only information I got from mom is that the woman in the picture is my real mom, her friend."

She sniffed.

"My real mother left me to now my mom and dad and so that's when they adopted me. They didn't tell me the truth, they hid it from me. That's why I'm mad at them that I wanna scream everything out."

More tears left her eyes and I embraced her in my arms. She needs me now. My wife needs me.

"Shh..maybe they had their reasons on why they didn't tell you.."

"They lied to me..."

"Did you even gave them the chance explain to you on why they did it?"

She wiped her stained cheek. She shook her head and I sighed.

"You need to talk to them, HaJin. That's the only way you'll find the answer you're looking for."

I pecked her forehead.

"Thanks, Jungkook."

She wiped her remaining tears and looked at me.

"This is why I love you."

She pecked my lips and leaned her forehead against mine.

"Go now, call them."

She nodded and I looked at her leaving figure, sadly.

HaJin's view

I'm still hurt. I can't get the answers of my questions if I don't ask my parents. Jungkook's right, I should've let them explain.

I need them.

Even though I'm still angry at them, I need them to help me understand why my biological mom gave me to my adoptive parents and why the truth was hidden from me.

I wiped my tears before pressing the doorbell.

Not minutes passed, the door opened.


The head maid, Ms. Lee, greeted me, bowing her head.

I sniffed and asked, "Are my parents home?"

It hurts to say those words now. My parents.

"Yes, agassi. Please come in, it's cold out there, I'm afraid you'll get sick."

I did what she said and walked inside. I took off my coat and she hung it on the coat stand.

I continued my pace and arrived in the living room, where from afar, I saw mother coming down the stairs. She eyed me sadly, tears in the corners of her eyes. I forced myself to smile at the person who took care of me. She ran to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Darling, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. We should've told you before. We shouldn't have hid it from you. We're so sorry."

My tears started streaming down my cheeks that I hugged her tighter.

"I'm sorry too mom. I didn't give you the chance to explain. I shut you and dad out because I thought that I could find the answers on my own, but I was wrong. I'm sorry mom."

I sobbed harder, hugging her tighter.

Though I know they're at fault, I know I can't stay mad at them forever. And I'm also at fault, I shut my parents out just bacause they lied to me. But you can't blame people of doing faults. We're not perfect, we make mistakes.

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