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*The vid's cuteeeee*

HaJin's View

"Do you smell something burning?" Jungkook asks and I furrowed my brows confusedly.

"Sorry, no."

I tried sniffing what he meant but still no idea came up to my mind.

"My heart is burning.." He joked.

I crossed my arms and said sarcastically, "Haha. Very funny, Jungkook. The world would be shy because of your joke."

"Tsk. I was trying to make you laugh."

I rolled my eyes playfully and continued sit down feeling the cold breeze hit my skin and the calm surroundings.

I felt a peck on my cheek and saw Jungkook's face near mine. He smiled at me and secured me in his embrace.

"You're cute, HaJin."

I laughed, "I know right. No need to mention it."

He chuckled and gave me a peck again. Such a sweet guy.

All of a sudden, my stomach felt aching and I know that I really don't feel good. I started to grunt and wince in pain. Jungkook noticed and immediately brought me to his car together with the things that were needed. I continued to grunt making Jungkook more panic and drove away fast.

They took me to some place that I don't even recognize since I was focused on holding on my child while grunting in huge pain.

They brought me to a place where I had to change clothes and then the nurses and the doctor went in. They told me to push for my baby. I did as they said and now, baby Jungha is here.

I had took a rest and felt super tired that I think I could sleep the whole day.

When I woke up, I saw a figure on the couch, who was happily carrying a baby. Jungkook and Jungha, how cute.

"Jungkook.." I called weakly.

He diverted his attention to me and grinned. He stood up while still carrying our baby and went to me.

"Hello, babe."

I smiled back and moved my gaze to the baby he was carrying. Our baby Jungha. He looked so innocent sleeping in his father's arms. Jungkook gave me the child and I took it while still smiling.

I observed his features. His eyes look so much like his dad. Actually, his face really looked like him. Although his nose didn't. It kinda looked like mine.

He was so cute sleeping. I never thought that having a child of your own can make you joyous in any way.

"Our family is complete now.." Jungkook said while a tear fell down from his eye.

"Indeed," I smiled.


"Do you think we should hire someone to help here in the house? You just got discharged and I don't think you can do everything on your own," Jungkook said.

"I think I'll be fine."

"HaJin, why don't we hire a maid already? We can make decisions on our own now," he suggested.

"You know Youjung and Bogum can always come and lend a help to me. I'm sure the two would be glad to take care of Jungha."

Youjung loves children as much as I do and I think Bogum oppa does, too, since he has a little brother at home. So maybe I can count on them into taking care of my son.

"We'll ask them," Jungkook says.


I heard a cry that had been echoing inside the room. It was a cry of a baby, I think.

That's when I realized that Jungha was the one who was crying. I opened my eyes and immediately went to look for him, but then he was just in his father's arms being rocked.

"Oh HaJin, sorry to wake you up but our baby is currently hungry."

I laughed, "Yeah I could see that."

I walked to him and took Jungha from his arms, then began to feed him.

"Why didn't you just wake me up instead of having that problem all by yourself?" I asked him after Jungha was fed and was now sleeping in my arms.

"I didn't want to disturb you from your slumber, okay?" He replied and I shook my head, smiling.

"It's always fine, Jungkook. And besides, it's Jungha we're talking about. I should be taking care of him, too."

"Come on let's stop chatting and get some sleep," he said and made me place Jungha on his crib while the two of us went to our bed to continue our sleep.


Never have I ever thought that having a child would make me happy always. Ever since Jungha came into our lives, we were all happy. My parents and Jungkook's would always visit to come see him and look after him, too. Youjung and Bogum oppa also came to help me with taking care of the child, infact it's almost like they live here since they sometimes have sleepovers. Eunwoo, well, he's glad as the others are. Every time he visits, he doesn't even get to greet me but just goes immediately to Jungha, his nephew. The oppas also come and send foods and baby needs, but Taehyung oppa is the one who always comes and plays with Baby Jungha. He has this thing for babies.

I walked to the kitchen to prepare some food for us to eat for lunch. While I was cooking, I heard some giggling in the living room. There I saw Jungkook holding Jungha in his arms while Youjung and Bogum oppa were sitting on the couch watching the scene of the father and son. I smiled and went back to cook.

Minutes later, I felt arms wrapping around my body. The sweet odor of my husband's perfume made me grin and stay in his embrace.

"HaJin?" He called and just hearing his voice made me smile and reply.


"Love you."

His words made my cheeks turn into rosy pink and my heart began to beat faster than it's normal pace.

"Love you, too."

He finally released me from his embrace and helped me prepare the food and we all ate and had some chats while I held Jungha.

As the day ended, Youjung and Bogum oppa left and that left me and Jungkook in the house with Jungha sleeping in his crib.

"How was work?"

"The usual," he replied and walked to me. "I'm so glad to have you and Jungha. I'm happy that we're back to lovers."

I smiled and hugged him.

"Me, too. I just hope everything will turn out well."

A/N: HIIIIIII❤️ Finally! Happy new year to all and thank you very much for reading and voting. Love lots💕

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