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Jungkook's view

"Yah where are you taking me?!" I didn't answer coz I was thinking about something. "Fine!"

Aish this girl, getting mad so easily.


We arrived at the beach. I went outside my car and opened the door for her.

"We're here."

I lended her a hand but she ignored me.

"What are we doing here?"

She looked at the place andsmiled. When we locked our eyes, her smile changed and became mad at me.

"I just want to cool off."

I smiled.

"If you wanted to cool off, then you should've just sent me back to school! Why bother me and take me here!"

"I needed someone to talk to."

"Needed someone to talk to? I talked to you in the car, but you didn't answer me. And now you're saying that YOU NEEDED SOMEONE TO TALK TO?!..Look Jungkook, if this is a joke to you, so be it. I really want to go to class, but you brought me to your mom about this marriage that you weren't serious about. Remember, I'm doing this for my parents, even though I don't like to marry you, I chose to do it, because seeing my family down because of me makes me feel bad. I accepted the marriage even though I got hurt because of you before! I thought you were okay with this, and now your acting like this is all a joke, a very funny joke! For once can you be serious of something? Just once. For your parents Jungkook!"

She yelled at me and her tears started to fall.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't talk to you in the car, I was just thinking about Sandra."

I tried to hold her hand but she backed away.

"Sandra this, Sandra that. If you really like her, tell your parents that you'll marry her instead of me. You love her, she loves you. Can't I be at peace and live freely?"

Her eyes started to fall more tears.

"If I tell them, they won't allow me."

"And how are you sure with that?" She asked me.

"Coz they want you! And ONLY you!" I yelled and tears started to fall.

"Tell them you like someone else, and leave me be. I want to help my family, I'm going to marry you, but you were the one who keeps backing away, so tell them you'll marry her, I'm fine with that, I'm already used to getting hurt."

She walked away but I grabbed her wrist fast enough before she walked further.

"I forced them to stop the marriage since the day they told us we're getting married. I kept telling them that I like someone else. They just won't let me. They want me to only marry you, you!"

She stayed silent while tears kept flowing down to her cheeks.

"I'm sorry that I played with you before. I admit, I regret it."

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