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HaJin's view

I met Jin oppa's friends and they're really kind. Not just kind but handsome too.

We talked to Jungkook and he says he's alright now. I really got worried about him. I'm not gonna deny that I didn't get worried. I loved him before, and I admit, there was still little feelings left for him. He came into my life so it's a must for me to worry about his condition.

When the bell rang for our afternoon class, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin oppa left. They said that they're going to the movies. I wanted to go with them but I have class, they're just lucky because they're already working and not studying.

Oh well, better go to class now.


I went to another class for the afternoon which is Chemistry. I like Chemistry actually. It's always about interesting stuffs, not like that History class which is not very interesting to learn. Like I said, I also get A+ grades in other classes, and Chemistry is one of them.

We had a short quiz. Out of 40 items I got 39, I was so close in getting a perfect score.

I shouted madly in the inside, but can't show it since people are here and might think I'm crazy.

Oh well, atleast I got the highest score. I was planning to go to my English class, but I stopped by a vending machine and bought chips, coz.....I just want to.

Just then, I heard some cries. I hid behind the wall and saw Jungkook and Sandra. Sandra was all crying and begging Jungkook for forgiveness.

He's breaking up with her, I'm sure. It's obvious already.

"Oppa please.." She cried again as she held his arm but Jungkook's reflexes were fast that she wasn't able to hold it.

"Don't touch me," Jungkook said sternly at her.

"Oppa..." She begged again.

"Sandra I trusted you. I loved you! Yet this is what you'll do to me?? Hurt me and cheat on me? Was I never enough for you? Was I a bad boyfriend to you?"

I can see tears falling down his cheeks that somehow left it tainted as he urged himself to stop crying.

I looked at his pained figure and my heart tightened as it hurts me to see him getting hurt.

"Oppa please don't do this..."

"It's over, Sandra. Let's breakup."

With that, he left her and I stared at her. I pity her, but somehow, I loathe her. I despise her that I want to slap her because she broke Jungkook's heart.

I heaved a deep sigh and went to my next class and sat down on my chair. The teacher wasn't there yet so I brought out my phone and saw messages of Jungkook.

HaJin I'm sorry for worrying you again

Thanks for being there for me

Are you in English class? My class is beside yours, arts. See ya later, I'll buy bubble tea for you in return

I saw these messages which made me laugh a little. Oh wait! The third message...Bubble tea!!! Can't wait.

After I read his messages, Ms. Choi went in and I immediately threw my phone inside my bag and started to greet our teacher. She then began her lecture in class. It was kinda fun learning about English, but also frustrating. New language, new trouble...

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