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HaJin's view

Miss Kim walked inside the room once the bell rang. Then we started learning about the History blah blah. I tried to pay attention and have interest on what she's talking about but, nah what's the point?

History class finished and I went to the other room to have Math class. It's kinda my favorite subject in school. I always get A+ grades in this subject. I mean I also get A+ grades with the other subjects, except for History class, I just get A or sometimes B.

I had fun listening to the teacher and doing equations infront of the class, which I was the only one who participated. I mean, Jungkook also did but let's not talk about him.

Anyway, I always volunteer doing the equations infront because no one dared to raise their hand (AGAIN Jungkook did but let's not talk about him) because they think it's hard. So our Math teacher Mr. Song always give me and..yeah him high grades for volunteering on answering.

Math was over so off I went to my next class which is music. Our instructor, Ms. Kang MoYeon, was there. She is very attractive actually. She's 33 and she's teaching college students. She is not just attractive in face, but also in her voice, she has a very sweet and calm voice which I always admire to have and hear.

When I went in, they were just about to start. I sat on my chair and we had lessons about notes and pitches. Actually we had this in grade school but now it's harder because we're in the last stage of going to school, college.

Miss Kang started to demonstrate on how to control your diaphragm if your going to reach high notes. I was the first one who tried it because she called me in front. I thought that I can't do it, but I did. I successfully hit the high notes of the song we were practicing. My classmates were amazed of me, they clapped. I sat back in my chair and stayed jolly.

"What a very good performance Ms. Cha, and for that, you'll be exempted in your next exam because you did well from the start, along with Mr. Jeon. Job well done!"


I went to my locker and took my P.E. uniform. I then went to my 4th class which is P.E. Good thing this class doesn't have Jungkook around, but I'm kinda worried about him though, he's hurt badly. Heart broken.

I told myself, "I should just check on him later."

(50 minutes later)


Oh great I'm hungry. I should message Jungkook if he's alright.

Jungkook-ah! Are you alright now? No cries? No problems?

Not even 5 seconds, he replied.

I'm alright now, thanks for last night, HaJin

No problem. Stay happy okay? Don't worry about her anymore

Alright, thanks for checking on me. See ya later!


I went to the cafeteria and ate my lunch. While eating, someone went near me and shared table with me. It was
YouJung! (Ha! Thought it was Jungkook huh>.< -author)

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