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Jungkook's view (7: 17 pm)

I went home after my work was done. 

I was still bothered of our fight in my office. I don't know if she's in her shark week or she's just jealous.

I went out of my car and examined how the mansion looked like from outside. What got me curious was seeing that the lights of the house were off. I turned the knob of the main door but it was locked. I took out my keys and unlocked it. I got more curious when there was no one in the house. I went upstairs and opened her room but she wasn't there.

Oh no, did she possibly leave because of our fight?

I started panicking and went to her walking closet. I looked at her suitcases and it lost one of them. I looked at the clothings that were being hung but almost half of it were gone.

Did she leave? Is she seriously going to leave just because we fought?

I sat on her bed before taking out my phone from my pocket.

HaJin? HaJin where are you?

HaJin I'm sorry about the fight

HaJin please come back home


I waited for her to reply but she didn't. I can't wait any longer. I dialed her phone number numerous times but she didn't pick up. I decided to stop calling her then called her mom. When I dialed her mom's number, it's a good thing because she immediately answered.



"Oh Jungkook-ah, why did you call?"

"I wanted to know if HaJin is in your house, she didn't answer my texts and calls."

"Really? She wouldn't do that if she's not mad. Did you two fight?"

"Um..kind of, eomma."

"Oh okay. I'll tell you right away when I come home and know if she's there or not."

"Okay eomma, thanks."

I sighed in relief. I went back on dialing her number again but she really won't reply. I went out of her room and into my room. I plopped myself on my bed and ruffled my hair in frustration.

If you didn't start raising your voice awhile ago you two wouldn't have fought right now, I scolded myself.

HaJin's view

I arrived at the huge gate of Cha's residence, my old house. I slid my window down and the guard looked at me then bowed and opened the huge gate for me. I slid the window back up then drove the car inside. I parked it in the garage then my old bodyguards came towards my direction and bowed to me.

"Agassi, we didn't know you would come."

They walked closer to me.

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