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HaJin's view

Wait, he said Jungkook is drunk. I better go check on him.

I walked my way upstairs and went inside his room. He looked like he was dead while sleeping. He was sweating so I wiped his sweat. Aigoo.. why did he even want to get drunk real hard? I know I allowed them but..not really getting drunk.

He's sweating really bad. Ah..I don't want to change him, but he really needs to.

I walked to his closet room and took a white plain shirt and let him sit in bed. I changed his upper clothing with the shirt I took from his closet. He then went back to sleep and I went outside his room and back to my room.

In the morning

I got up from bed and checked the time in my phone. It was 5:37 in the morning, so I did my morning routine. I then wore my house clothings and started cooking haejangguk for Jungkook. When I was almost done cooking, I felt a grip around my waist and a chin on my right shoulder.


"You're awake already?" I said as I looked at him and turned the burner off.


He looked back at me and we had a short staring contest. Our faces were an inch away from each other. My heart was beating very fast.

"Y—You go sit in the dining room, I made haejangguk," I said as I held his hands letting his hands fall from his grip on my waist. But his hands were pretty cold.

Is he sick?

"Ya Jeon Jungkook, your hands are as cold as ice. Are you sick?" I asked as I let go of his grip and turned my body to the side to face him.

"Are you alright?"

As soon as the back of my right hand made skin contact on his forehead, I got worried immediately. He was so hot. He has fever.

"You're sick. Go back to bed. I'll serve you breakfast, okay?" 

I touched his right cheek.

"Ani, it's alright. I'm not sick. Your hands are just cold that's why you think I'm having a fever."

He took my hand from his cheek and held it.

I stared at his pale-like skin.

"You're sick alright. Stop being stubborn. Your lips are pale, you don't have much energy. Listen to me, please, go to your room and I'll follow," I asked calmly and smiled.

He sighed heavily.

"Alright then."

He walked away going to his room upstairs. I then put some haejangguk in a bowl and placed it in a tray with chopsticks, spoon, and a glass of water, I then went to his room upstairs. He was leaning his back on his bed and I sat beside him.

"Here, it's haejangguk. You were drunk yesterday, so this can help you," I said as I served him his food.


He smiled and started eating.

I placed the tray in his bedside table after he finished. I then sat down and stared at him.

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