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Jungkook's view

I felt a head near my face as I woke up. I looked at it and it was HaJin. Sleeping. When I looked at her, our face were like centimeters away from each other. We almost kissed. I just smiled at how cute she looks while sleeping. I moved my head a bit and cupped her right cheek.

"HaJin-ah.." I said as I cupped her cheek gently.

She slowly opened her eyes and moved her head.

"Hm?" Her sleepy voice responded.

Rubbing her eyes slowly, still in her sleepy self, I smiled.

"You fell asleep."

I giggled.

"Oh jinjja?Um, mianhae.."

Oh she looks so pretty when she just woke up. Like a little doll..God what am I saying

"Do you want to eat something?" I asked while she got up and tied her hair into a ponytail.

"What time is it?" She asked.

I looked at my wristwatch and it was already noon.

"It's 12:03 already."

"Umm..shall we eat?"

I nodded.

We rode the car that dad let us use and we went to the nearest food chain and so it is McDonalds, since I thought HaJin was already hungry.

When we arrived, we went in and looked for available seats. I ordered on the counter and later on came with two cheese burgers, two large fries, and softdrinks. I sat across her and served our food. We started eating and I looked at her and she was so formal. After we ate, we had a little talk.

"Is it fun staying in Jeju?" I asked.

"Well..yes it is. But..we only went to the beach."

She did a sad face.

"Mm..you want to go..shopping?" I asked and she smiled so brightly.

I knew you'd love it.

"Is there really a shopping place here in Jeju???" She asked in an excited tone.

I nodded and she smiled so brightly that you can't see her eyes anymore.

HaJin's view

"Mm..you want to go..shopping?" Jungkook asked. Oh my gosh yesssssss! I would love to!!!! Shopping is life! I smiled jovially.

"Is there really a shopping place here in Jeju???" I asked in an excited tone.

I mean hello..how can I not love shopping when It's free coz someone's gonna pay for it (Jungkook) kekeke.

Jungkook nodded and I smiled so brightly. Shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!


After we talked about shopping, I dragged Jungkook out of McDonalds and we went inside the car without telling him why I dragged him out. He sat in the car confusedly.

"Start driving! We should go now," I ordered, getting really excited of going SHOPPING.

Then Jungkook started driving and we arrived at this somewhat souvenier store. Oh my, souveniers! I started picking lots of souveniers and then again Jungkook paid. After that, we went back to the hotel.

The Next Day (8:06am)

I woke up without Jungkook beside me. I looked for him around the room but he was nowhere to be found. Then I found a letter on the coffee table beside my bed saying:

Dear HaJin,
I'll be back. I just went somewhere so don't wait for me. I'll go back to the hotel later. There's breakfast on the table, I bought pancakes from McDonalds. Eat it, okay?

Your bunny,

"This pabo..leaving me alone," I murmured.

I looked on the side and saw the pancakes he was saying. Well pancakes is okay. I ate it and then I did my morning routine.

I went out of the bathroom while drying my damp hair with a towel. Then I continued drying it with a hairdryer. Hairdryer is very important. After drying my hair, I took a look at myself in the mirror.

I never counted myself as a pretty girl. Okay I do have bright skin and beautiful hair, but I really don't consider myself as someone that's pretty. Although people tell me I am. They praise me for my good looks and fit body, but I really don't believe them.

After looking at my face, I walked to a nearest café to buy iced cappuccino. I went inside the café and started ordering. While waiting..I can't believe what I saw..



How can he leave me early in the morning and be with that girl?!!! Is he nuts?!! And guess what, they sat beside each other and the girl is laughing and looks so enjoyed. EVEN JUNGKOOK!!

Then the cashier served me my drink and I immediately paid and left, not wanting to see any more scenes of Jungkook and that girl. As I was walking on the street, I was just busy sipping my drink and murmuring stuffs.

When I arrived at the hotel, I threw my drink in the garbage bin on the corner. Then as I was going inside the elevator, I saw a familiar face that stood infront of me. The handsome and tall man smiled at me..

A/N: Hi dearest readers! So sorry for this short chapter. Anyway, have a great day/night and thanks for reading😊

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