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HaJin's view

A sunny, bright day it is. The birds were on the tree branches, chirping beautifully. The music playing from my car speakers made me want to sing while driving.

I look outside the window, seeing the blue sky above, it was indeed a beautiful day. I was planning on suprising Jungkook by visiting him in his office, so I drove myself there and received greetings coming from the employees. Even the directors approached me and greeted me.

I pressed the 14th floor and waited for the elevator to arrive at the floor where his office is. I tapped my other foot on the floor and thought of the message I received before coming here.

My phone beeped again and I groaned as I saw a message from the same unknown number that also messaged me this morning.

xxxx: Die bitch!

Can you stop messaging me?!?

Nuh-uh. Stay away from Jungkook, or I'll kill you. He's mine

I didn't see any mark saying that you own him, and who the hell are you? Why are you telling me to die? And for your information, I'm not a bitch!

Oh believe me, I own him. He's forever mine. And you are a bitch! You stole him from me

As far as I know, he's married, to ME, and I was never a bitch. And I didn't steal anything from you, I don't even know you

Back off with my property you bitch, I will really kill you

You mean YOU back off. Also, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm not a bitch, maybe it's you. And I'm not scared of whoever you are

I got irritated and tucked my phone back to my bag and went out of the elevator. The employees bowed to me and I just smiled to them, forgetting the insulting messages that I received and have read. Secretary Jang came up to me carrying his iPad on his hand and we greeted each other with a slight bow.

I was used to this. The formalities and the attitude, the posture and the way to speak, I was already used to it. It's because I was trained since I was 5, to act like a princess, speak formally, bow to elders, chin up, breast out, stomach in, not slouch, walk properly, not run, not shout, and those other stuffs that are too boring for me to do so I can't remember anymore. I never wanted that life, so sometimes..I don't follow those princess type of rules, but I still do it, or my mom would kill me.

"Good afternoon to you, Mrs. Jeon."

"Same to you, Mr. Jang," I replied.

"What brings you here? Are you looking for the CEO?"

"Um, yes. Is Mr. Jeon in his office? I came here to visit."

I had a warm smile plastered on my face.

He checked his iPad before replying, "He's still in his meeting, but you can stay in his office to wait for him. He'll be done in 15 minutes."

I nodded and he led me to Jungkook's office. There, Secretary Jang left me and I just waited for Jungkook to be done with his meeting to discuss something with him.

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