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Okay I'm going to make this chapter a little bit long since I didn't update lately, so..

Jungkook's view

I groaned and gritted my teeth.

"Why can't I tell her!!!!" I yelled at myself because of how I acted awhile ago.

I jumped on my bed and shuffled my hair. I covered my face with my hands.

"Am I inlove with her? No Jungkook, no. You can't hurt her again. You can't do that," I said as I shook my head numerous times.

She makes my heart beat faster I can't control it!

I wanted to have some cool breeze to cool myself down, so I took a jacket from my closet and wore it then went outside the door. HaJin was there too. She was also feeling the cool breeze.

I took a deep breath before walking towards her.

We didn't talk nor look at each other. We didn't fight. It's just that we want to be silent and feel the cool breeze as if it's the one who's talking to us.

I looked above and the stars were twinkling. It reminded me of my memories when I was a child. I used to look above the nigt sky and enjoy the view of the twinkling stars, just like what I'm doing now.

From the side of my eye, I can see her shiverring and was clenching her teeth. She didn't wear any jacket, so I suppose she's really cold.

"Here, take this."

I hovered my jacket over her shoulder and she looked at me with a surprised expression.

"No, you're also cold, wear it."

She took the jacket off her back and was giving it back to me.

"No, you should wear it, or else you'll freeze to death."

I took the jacket from her hand and let her wear it by helping her put it on. She just smiled at me.


"Let's go inside, you're feeling so cold."

I pushed her gently towards the door and we went inside. She sat down on the couch and I also did. I looked at her and she was still shiverring. I hugged her.

"Feeling warm?"


"Just tell me, warm or not?"

I still hugged her.

"I—it's warm, thanks," she stuttered. Probably because I'm still hugging her.

"Can we stay like this for a while?" I said and burried her face in my chest to make her feel more warm.

"J—jungkook-ah..why are you acting like this?"

I looked at her and smiled.

"I just wanted to talk to someone.."

She suddenly leaned back and sat properly, facing me.

"What's your problem?"

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