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HaJin's View

Without hesitation, Jungkook carried me bridal style and placed me gently on the bed. He smiled at me with sparkling eyes full of love, before taking over me.

I didn't stop him. Infact, I even pulled him closer to me, closer. I can feel him smile through the kiss.

We are both in love. We are both happy about being together. We are ready.

Jungkook and I continued and I didn't notice his hand trailing down to the hem of my shirt, taking it off. I just let him be since he's my husband anyway.

Little did we know, we were already into each other, and did the things that married couples do.

A/N: I'm sorry I just don't like to detail the whole "thing" here. And it's not me who wrote this part, it's my cousin.


I woke up, happier than usual. I looked at the person beside me, the handsome guy, sleeping. We were covered by the blanket that reached to my neck. I was still feeling cold but was already satisfied by feeling someone's arms wrapped around my unclothed body. Yes, we did "the deed" already.

I smiled and looked over his sleeping figure. Like what I did before when we were still college, I still remember those days. We were at the rooftop, that was the time I wasn't able to attend my first class in the afternoon because Jungkook slept on my lap. I was busy tracing his nose and every part of his good-looking face. And this time, I just did it again.

I traced his high nose and giggled. He's a deep sleeper, he won't wake up that easily.

"He's so cute!" I said inside my mind and giggled again.

I pecked his lips before snuggling into him more. You can't blame me, I'm freezing, only the blanket and Jungkook's arms around me were the ones that kept me a bit warm.

Later on, I decided to get up. I quickly ran to the closet room and took a towel and wrapped it around my body. I went out of the closet room and still saw Jungkook still in bed.

I walked to the bed and took my phone before a hand grabbed my wrist which caused me to fall on top of him. He slowly fluttered his eyes open and grinned.

"Good morning," he still had that morning voice of his.

He began by pecking my lips before starting to kiss me. I stopped him from doing so and slapped his cheek playfully.

"You haven't brush your teeth yet," I said and stood up.

"So I can kiss you after I brush my teeth?"

He got his hopes up.

"Well, no. Now go take your shower."

He pouted and I just handed him a towel to cover his body. He followed my orders and left my room.


A good 20-minute hot bath was done and I left the bathroom with clothes on. I dried my hair with the hairdryer and put on some creams on my face since I forgot putting some inside the bathroom since I was tired doing it. I'm lazy, I know.

I finished applying some creams on my face and cleaned my room first before going downstairs. I took out two eggs from the refrigerator and cooked it for breakfast.

I was now back hugged by this guy named Jungkook. He smiled and moved his hands that were wrapped around my waist to my stomach part to caress it.

He breathe in before saying, "Hm..I can't wait to see this tiny stomach of yours grow big soon."

My eyes widen and unknowingly, I smiled at the thought of having a baby, sleeping in my arms, looking as cute as ever.

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