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Jungkook's view

She finally called me BABE!!

Now we're just staying in the couch and I'm still laying my head on her lap and closing my eyes.

More like sleeping.

She's just watching tv while stroking my hair with her fingers.

HaJin's view

He's so cute like a sleeping bunny. It makes me feel so happy that we're close now. I kissed his forehead and smiled. He's still asleep.

What a cute bunny


Jungkook's been sleeping for hours already. We need to eat our lunch.

"Jungkook-ah.." Shaking his body, I called but typically Jungkook won't wake up immediately.

"Jungkookieeee." For the second time I shook his body for him to get the idea of getting up from his deep sleep.

"Jungkookie oppa." He still didn't wake up, nor respond.

This will make me regret everything that happened and will happen this day.


A smile formed on his lips and slowly opened his eyes, keeping his cheeky grin.

He heard everything. He was just pretending to be asleep. Oh. My. God.

"I'm up babe," he giggled annoyingly that made me roll my eyes.


"Why didn't you tell me you're already awake? I should've just pushed you so you would fall and get up by yourself," I sarcastically said.

He chuckled.

"I just wanted to tease you."

"Shut up. Now move," I said in a cold tone.

He didn't budge.

"No," he responded with a slight annoying tone.

"I said move."

"Not until you ask me properly," he smirked.


I rolled my eyes.

"Jungkook-ah, can you please move?"

I glared at him. He shook his head. Why can't he just move?!!


I pouted. Acted like I did, but just pretending.

"Um, say Jungkook oppa," he smirked.

Is he having a plan again? Coz if he is, I ain't doing it.


"Fine, then I won't budge."

I groaned.

"Say it."

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