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Hello user14185076 and ksfatim! As promised, here's an update😊

HaJin's view

It has been a week since I last saw and talked, or more like fight with Jungkook. That's right, I didn't go home for a week. I didn't even go with bangtan last weekend when we planned on going to the beach. When they knew the reason, they kept on checking on me. Jungkook kept calling me and my parents because he knew I was here, but I didn't answer those calls, so my parents were the one who were answering.

You might wanna know who told Jungkook I'm here. Well it's my mom. I almost got mad at her but I can't do that, even if she makes me mad, I'll never show her I am, I don't want them to get sad or hurt. Isn't that the reason why I agreed the marriage at first?

I finished eating breakfast and decided to do something. Like a single work in the house, but there isn't, the house was clean. I sat on the couch and turned the tv on. I changed the channel from time to time when I think the show is ugly or boring. I finally turned off the tv when I realized that all channels are ugly and boring. I lazily positioned myself on the huge couch. Since no one is in the house, besides the maids and guards, and Eunwoo who is still sleeping, I'm alone.


"HaJin?" I heard a very familiar voice. My eyes squinted a little as I saw a blurry face infront of me.

"Are you okay babe?" I heard his voice and I felt the huge couch move a bit and the warm skin of his came in contact with mine. He made my head lay on his right arm.

I was still closing my eyes, but unknowingly, my hand moved by itself and started tracing his face. I chuckled a bit before starting to speak.

"Why do I keep dreaming about you?" I muttered.

That's right. I kept dreaming about him since the day I left the house. I kept missing him, I wanted to see him so bad. Maybe that's the reason he's always showing up in my dreams. But this time is different, in this dream, he's beside me. In my other dreams, he was just looking at me from afar, but now, in this dream, he's close to me, he's smiling at me.

He giggled a bit before saying, "Do you always dream about me?"

I nodded and was still closing my eyes. I was feeling a bit cold since the air conditioner was set to 15 degrees because of my brother who was feeling hot last night when we were in the living room. I snuggled onto him, completely not minding if I'm close to him since this is all just a dream. This doesn't happen in real life.

"In my past dreams of you, you were just looking at me from afar, smiling at me. But now..you're so close to me that I can almost kiss you."

I giggled.

"Do you really dream about me that often?"

"I do. Since the day I left," I replied.

I can tell him since this is just an illusion, he won't know in real life. It was getting more cold so I snuggled onto him more.

"You know..in my dreams..I've always wanted to see you with me, and now..it came true.."

"You smile at me and make me feel special.." I paused. "That's why I know it's a dream. My jerk of a husband wouldn't hug me like this if this was real."

I chuckled.

"Jerk of a husband, huh?"

"Yep. Always have been, always will be," I muttered.

I squinted my eyes a bit and saw his face frown. I'm starting to think, this dream is more of different than my other dreams. This man infront of me seems to show much feelings than the last time I dreamt of him. This dream is even different, like what I said, he's not smiling at me from afar, but hugging me and faces are so close with each other.

I felt the couch move again and my body being lifted. I didn't mind and just let myself sleep. Then I felt my soft blanket being covered around me.

"Sleep well, princess.."


I woke up and looked at the time. It was 10:23 in the morning. I ruffled my hair a bit as I tried to remember what happened.

Wait..I was in the living room..dreaming. Perhaps..

Was the dream I had, real?

I quickly stepped my foot on the floor to move out from my bed. I looked around the room and saw him on the couch.

Shouldn't he be at work?

I went to him and sat on the floor to get a better angle of him sleeping. I shook him and then he immediately woke up.

That's a miracle.

"What are you doing here? You should go to work," I said coldly.

He rubbed his eyes before answering, "I wanted to see you."

I sat beside him.

"You should go to work, you shouldn't be here," I said again coldly.

"I won't go home until you forgive me."

"Then don't," I replied and stood up to walk but he said something that made me stop from my tracks.

"I love you.."

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