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You stayed inside your room, crying, full of agony.

You stayed inside that room after reading the letter your biological father had left.

You we're heartbroken.

If only we could turn back time, you could live happily with your biological family, without cries, hurts. But those are what we read in stories, that they live happily ever after in the end with their family and friends. But you're in the present now, no time for daydreaming.

You sobbed harder as you thought about your real parents, being out of this world.

You can't accept the fact that they're gone.


With all the cryings that you had, you're still a human, you get tired, so you ended up sleeping.

HaJin's View

I woke up by someone beside me. I turned to face the person and smiled as I met my eyes with his, my husband.

He caressed my cheeks and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Are you okay now?"

I sighed and nodded my head.

He gestured me to scoot a bit so he could also lay on the bed and I did what he said. He placed his arm under my neck and his other arm around my waist, my face near his neck.

I looked up at him and he flashed me a smile. Tears flows down my cheeks as I remember about dad's letter again. He quickly wiped my tears.

"It's alright, I'm here. I'll stay with you and won't leave you.." I nodded as I heard his words.

He pecked the top of my head and hugged me tighter.


He brushed my hair with his fingers and I somehow calmed down.

He sighed.

"Let's go downstairs. It's time to say goodbye to your parents. It's 9 in the evening already. You need to rest."

He helped me get out of bed. I bid goodbyes to mom and dad and we left to go home.

I felt my body being carried by someone and I fluttered my eyes open and only to see Jungkook. He was carrying me.

"Kook.." I called.

He looked at me and smiled.

"We're home now. I'm bringing you to your closet room."

He gently placed me down and made me stand on the floor and pecked my forehead.

"Change into your pajamas now. I'll be in our room."

With that, he left the room. I sighed and went to find comfortable clothes for sleeping.

I walked inside our shared room and saw Jungkook laying in bed. I approached him and also layed beside him.

His back was facing me, so I poked him and he looked at me and faced his body to where I was.

He started stroking my cheeks with his thumb and smiled at me.

"You look so pretty that I could kiss you."

I giggled at his cheesy words. I did the move and pecked his lips. He grinned and I hugged him.

"I heard about it. Your eomma told me. I'm sorry about what you're going through now.."

I just hugged him tighter to refrain myself from shedding tears again.

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