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HaJin's view

He went down to my level and suddenly pecked my lips.


I hit his chest. He just chuckled and sat on the chair infront of me.

"Why'd you do that?"

"A thank you gift," he replied.

"You could've just said thank you, no need to peck my lips."

I looked down shyly and I was blushing like crazy.

"I like you," those words suddenly slipped out from his mouth and I immediately looked up to his shocked expression because of what he just said.

"W—what did you just s—say?" I stuttered. Of course who wouldn't stutter when you just heard someone confess his confusing feelings to you.

"H—huh? U—uh..nothing."

He smiled innocently. "Um..are you hungry?" He suddenly asked, probably changing the topic to avoid awkwardness.

"Um, no. I'm okay."

He nodded and went back to his seat. My eyes looked around the office.

"Jungkook? Do you mind if I look around your office? I'm curious," I said.

"Sure, I don't mind," he replied and I stood up. Well it can somehow take time for me to roam around his office because it's quite big. I walked around and oh! He also has a bathroom of his own, and guess what? It's also big!

When I was finally done looking around his office, I sat back on the chair I sat awhile ago. He was searching some files and then stopped when he saw me.

"Oh, you're done?"

I nodded and panted a bit.

"Okay. Do you also want to roam around the company? I can take you."

"Oh no no. It's okay. I'll just stay here, I'll roam around later when you're not busy anymore."

"No, it's okay. Let's go. I'll take you."

He stood up and closed the files and placed it on his desk. He walked towards me and gestured me to hold his hand.

"Shall we?"

I looked up to him and took his hand. We went out of his office holding hands since he didn't let go of mine. Some were typing, some were writing, but they stopped and stood up to bow to us. I smiled at their respectful attitudes. Such a good example of employees, I thought. We continued on roaming around the company, from the 1st floor until the 20th floor. Wow, this building really is huge.

When we were finally done, Jungkook and I went back to his office. He sat on his chair and I sat on his huge couch tiredly.

"Wah..your building is so big that it made me tired roaming around."

I slightly closed my eyes.

Jungkook's view

Guess she's tired because she IMMEDIATELY slept. I went to her and picked her up bridal style, then laying her on the couch properly by also positioning her legs there for her to sleep comfortably. I kissed her forehead and looked at her face.

"You're so beautiful. I can't understand these feelings. I always like the feeling of hugging you..pecking your lips and that makes you mad and you look really cute when you're mad, and it makes my heart melt. I love the way you smile. I love how your cookings taste like. I love hearing your soothing voice every day. I love seeing you with me. Is this a sign of love? Do I like you? Ani..do I love you?? If I do..I'm happy," I thought in my mind while looking at her beautiful face.

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