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"Careful!" Jungkook scolded for the fifth time that had me boiled already.

Ever since he knew we were having a blessing inside my stomach, he became overprotective and eyes were always on me. I don't even get to move a lot since he does the household work even though he's so tired from work.

I rolled my eyes.

"Jungkook I told you I'm careful, and can you please stop overreacting? I don't even have the baby bump yet and you're acting like I'm almost in labor."

He chuckled an just replied, "Just shut up and do as I say, HaJin."

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch, of course with the help of Jungkook since he doesn't want me to move that much even though I'm still in my second month of pregnancy.

"Now that we're having a baby, I want to confirm the names if either we get a boy or a girl," he starts, placing my hand on his palm, feeling the softness of it.

"Yeah, so? What names have you thought?" I questioned and grinned.

"If we'll have a baby boy, I was planning on merging our names and he'll be Jungha. But for the baby girl's name, maybe.."

He began to think.

"아름 Areum?" I suggested.

He blinked his eyes and widened after. Happily clapping and smiled widely.

"전아름 Jeon Areum. Pretty isn't it?"

I nodded.

"Well, I'm sure our child would be good looking like his father. And of course kind like the mother," he says and smiles.

We spent the day going out. We had movies, lunch, visiting our parents, bonding with our friends and more happy moments.

I never realized that maybe, or if only I never had that attitude when we first met again for the arrange marriage, the two of us would get back together easily and be happy again. But past is past. Now, we focus on our future.

"Jungkook.." I called.

He walked towards me.


I motioned him to come closer. He did and I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

"Hmm? Is something wrong?" He asks worrily but I shook my head. I just wanted to feel his presence, that's all.

When I finally released him from my embrace, I said, "Jungkook, I have three words for you."

He gave me a look that looked confused and curious.

"I love you."

He blushed hard and smiled, burrying his face in my neck and hugging me tight.

He groaned but laughed.

"Ah, you really know how to make my heart beat go fast."

I grinned.

"Of course."

We continued the day staying inside the house. Full of bickering and laughs. I don't know what I'd do if he weren't here coz yea he's at work but now, well, he really made an effort and did his work ahead of time and cleared all his schedules for today just to bond with me.

How sweet, isn't it?

I remember before, he was that arrogant jerk that every girl in school wanted to date because of his good looks and good grades. It's amazing how he made friends with other good looking guys yet they didn't have the same attitude with him which is rude and being all arrogant. Actually I'm still curious how they made friends with this crazy husband of mine. But now I believe that the only thing that's permanent in this world is change, because even though he was that jerk, mean, and jackass, he changed and became..well, less crazy. Then we dated, you guys know the story of our breakup so no need to bring it back. And so that was our old story. The story that will teach both of us a lesson, that people change and we should learn how to love with sincerity and not just some random joke.

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