6| 𝓢𝓘𝓧

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HaJin's view

I went to the restroom to think. I wasn't really sure if the girl is Sandra, but in my point of view, I really think she's Jungkook's girlfriend. I don't know if I should tell Jungkook about it or not. I'm afraid he'll get hurt and get depressed.

I went back to our table and saw Jungkook burrying himself in his palms. I looked at the counter where Sandra was awhile ago, but she's gone. Perhaps, have he seen her?

I sat down and stared at him.



He looked at me with a sad and at the same time, pained expression that I was already expecting.

"Are you alright? Is there a problem?" I asked calmly.

"Nothing, I'm alright."

He forced to smile, even though I know, deep inside he is badly hurt seeing his girlfriend with someone else.

"Do you want me to send you home now?"

"Actually, can we go to the beach that you brought me before?"

"Now? It's already dark. Are you sure you wanna go?"

"If it's okay with you..can we?"

"Sure, I'll just pay the bill and we'll leave."

He forced a smile again.

Why do you force yourself to smile when we both know your deeply hurt?

Jungkook, I don't know why, but I'm also getting hurt seeing you like this.

"Thank you," I smiled back.

I think we're getting to know each other now. Becoming friends...

After he paid the bill, we went outside. We rode his car and the car was filled with silence.


I looked at him and placed my hand on his right hand that was holding the control (somewhat control that is in the middle of the car. Sorry I don't know what it's called).


He took a quick glance at me since he was driving.

"Gwaenchanh-a? You're too silent. I'm not used seeing you being silent."

"Ah..I'm alright. Don't worry."

He smiled but I think he's just pretending to be happy again.

Why can't he just show his true feelings to me? Tell me he's hurt. Cry to me and share all his burden.

I will help him. I will help him bring his happiness back.

After we talked, we were filled again with silence until arriving at our destination.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and went outside to open the door for me. I went out and felt the cold but pleasant breeze touching my pale white skin.

We started walking along the beach, feeling the cold breeze with us. The night was perfect, yet heartbreaking for Jungkook.

I looked up, seeing the night sky above us, with twinkling stars that shone brightly in the night. I saw a bench few meters away from us. I sat down on the bench and so did he.

My eyes diverted to the seawaves that were being moved because of the strong wind that hits it. I watched Jungkook's reaction, but seems like he wasn't in the mood of any of this.

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