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HaJin's view

"I gotta go, love! Bye," he said before going inside his car for work. I waved until his car was going out of the gate.

I heaved a huge sigh and looked back at the messages me and the girl who was bothering me this morning.

I'm guessing you and Jungkook are happy since I somehow see him smiling all the time when he leaves your house. Well not for long, darling. That will be soon gone

I'm not scared of you.

I'm not trying to scare you. You're the one who thinks I'm scaring you

Ha! I didn't. It's just obvious that you're trying to scare me

Well you'll get scared soon, HaJin. Because Jungkook's gonna be mine and I'm gonna kill you

Ha! In your dreams! Stop dreaming, girl! You ain't a preschooler😪

You're getting on my nerves

I'm on the couch


I'm not getting on your nerves. I'm on the couch, duh🙄

Urgh! You're making me boil!

I'm in the living room, not in the kitchen🤪


I laughed and walked to the kitchen to get myself a bottle of water then went to the gym room that me and Jungkook had a few days ago. Because he says that whenever he doesn't have work or he's not doing anything in the house, he can just go to the gym, and that's why we both decided to have a room filled with the things that you usually see in gyms, and we need to maintain good posture for the media and companies so we need to be fit and well-groomed.

I decided to go to the treadmill and spent the whole hour there. I gulped down the water that I took an hour ago from the refrigerator and wiped my dripping sweat with a towel. I drank the water once more before taking a shower.

I decided to make something for lunch since it was almost noon time and I should eat. I thought of making bibimbap and just took its ingredients to begin cooking the decided food.

Minutes later, I received a call.


"Jagi, let's go out for lunch," he said, excitement in his tone.

"Um..but Kookie, I'm cooking bibimbap.."

"Really? Well, that's great! So I'll just go home?"

"If that's okay with you, yes?"

"Sure. I'll be home."


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