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HaJin's view

I looked at him in shock then he went to me and pulled me for a hug. The hug that I was longing for, the hug that I kept seeking, the hug that I will never forget. The hug that came from the person I love..

"HaJin I love you..." He said.

I smiled a bit but stopped myself from falling onto his trap.

"Jungkook let go of me."

I pushed him but he was too strong for me to handle. I stopped pushing him when I realized that it was no use.

"HaJin please.." He pleaded in the middle of his hug. "HaJin please come back home. I can't—I can't live without you.."

He slowly let go of the hug and looked at me in the eyes with pain.

"I know I didn't stop that waitress from holding my hand, but again, I didn't want trouble. I just shrugged it off and just thought that it's you and me. I didn't care about anyone around me because you're here. HaJin please come back home. I—I missed y—you.."

His tears slowly fell when he said those last words. A tear also escaped from my eye then it continued to flow.

He is sobbing. He is crying because of me. He is crying because he misses me. And..he loves me.

My hands went to his cheeks and wiped the tears that were continuing to flow. I flashed him a smile to assure him that it's okay.

"It's also my fault. You didn't do anything wrong. I understood why you did it. Eunwoo helped me to understand," I said.

I still wiped those tears that were continuing to flow down to his cheeks. I slowly pulled him for a hug and he gave it back. We stayed on that position for awhile.

"HaJin? I told you that I love you. Do you—um, love me back?" He asked and I slowly let go of the hug.

I looked at him in the eyes before answering, "Yes Jungkook, I do. I do love you back. And I guess that was the reason I got jealous and mad. I love you Jungkook. I really do," I replied and my tears flowed because of joy that I'm feeling right now.

We both love each other.

"I love you so much that I always dream about you since the day I left. I love you so much that I really missed you when I didn't see you. I missed you, I missed your teasing kisses, I missed your back hugs, I missed everything about you. I really love you, and that's what I realized after I left you," I cried happily.

He pulled me again for a quick hug.

"I love you so much."

He smiled and slowly, his face went nearer to my face and pecked my lips. We both smiled and wiped our tears.

I sat on my bed and picked my phone that was on the coffee table beside my bed. I saw messages of the boys and I replied them one by one.

I first opened Jimin oppa's message.

Jimin oppa:
HaJin, you good?

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