Late Night Call

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You were brutally pulled away from your otherwise rather heavy but peaceful sleep as an annoying buzzing suddenly sounded from the bedside table next to you. Slowly, you pushed your heavy body up with your elbows, eyes flickering confused around the dark room while you slowly gained back your vision.

Rubbing your sore, drowsy eyes, you gazed towards the clock standing next to the glass of water on the table beside your large, white bed.

4:23 AM.

You wondered who on earth had the decency to be calling you at four in the fucking morning, expecting you to actually answer the phone and apparently be down for a little chat. You weren't a night person, you never had been.

Somehow, you gathered enough strength to reach out for the buzzing phone lighting up in the dark bedroom. Though you had gotten slightly used to the darkness surrounding you, your eyes were still too blurry to fully see the name appearing on the screen.

"Hello?" You slurred, your throat feeling somewhat sore. Actually, you weren't quite sure whether or not you were fully awake yet.

"Hey love." His familiar voice sounded at the other end of the phones. The slight crack in his tone cut through to you immediately. "Did I wake you up?" He asked you, his voice almost whispering his words.

You knew in the matter of seconds that something was off about this situation, about Shawn too. You wouldn't quite put your finger on it, but something was wrong.

Usually, Shawn never called you after ten because he knew, you'd be sound asleep. Also, his voice sounded different than normally, it sounded fragile and somewhat unfamiliar to you.

"It's four in the morning, babe. Your question is kinda stupid." You told him, honestly.

You figured Shawn would be able to tell it was a joke, but the other end went silent and the only thing you could really hear was Shawn's quick and desperate breaths. It sounded as if, he couldn't get air into his lungs.

"Babe, what's wrong?" You asked him gently.

You felt a slight yank in your stomach as the worry began pumping in your veins and an uncomfortable knot formed in your dry throat.

You heard him gasp for air a few times but he remained silent at the other end of the phone. Shawn was touring but you knew the time zone he was in at the moment, wasn't much different from Toronto.

Why was he awake this late at night?

Shawn never stayed up too late while touring. He always wanted to be well rested, make sure his body had time to rest so he could be the best Shawn possible when being on stage night after night.

He didn't answer your question, which made your stomach twist as a wave of nausea seemed to make you feel a little sick. Shawn was never silent when it came to you, he always had tons of things to share, a hundred topics to get through. Actually, you had a hard time keeping up when he called you most times.

"Shawn, seriously. What's going on?" You pushed him as you heard a loud sight, but still no words. "Babe, you're worrying me."

You hated when Shawn was upset, which you could clearly tell he was right now, but what you hated even more, was when he didn't tell you what was bothering him.

That was the only thing you disliked about Shawn, how guarded he was and how hard it was to push through his walls. He always wanted to handle whatever he was going through himself, he never wanted to bother other people with his feelings.

In the three years you had been together, it was the one thing, you had struggled with the most. Getting him to open up to you, earning his trust enough for him to lean on you, depending on you.

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