Just Right

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She was so insanely beautiful. The kind of beautiful people write songs about, the kind of beautiful I want to write songs about.

Even when she was sleeping deeply with her messy hair in a bun because she hadn't showered. Even with her mascara smashed out under eyes because she was too tired to take it off. Even when she laid here in my lap and those cute, little snoring noises slipped out of her unflawed rosy lips.

Watching her this vulnerable and stripped down, god, I could just watch her for hours and never get tired of it. I kept finding new things about her, I'd never noticed before.

Like the way her eyelashes flickers in her sleep, or the little – almost unnoticeable - birthmark just behind her ear that in some ways looks like a tiny rose, or the way she breathed out after finishing a sentence, or the way her hair changed its colour just a little, every time the light in a room changed.

I was in love with everything she did, everything she was; heck, I was in love with the essence of every bit of her soul.

She was just such a pretty person. But it wasn't just her soft smile or her plump, pinkish lips that made her pretty to me. It wasn't just because of her wavy, wild hair or her perfect curves. She had a much prettier heart, a much prettier soul.

The way she cared for people, the way she loved unconditionally and the way her heart always had enough room to love a little more, a little harder. It was the prettiest thing about her.

It had only been a few months of us dating, but she had me in her grip from the very first time she laid her warm, friendly eyes on me.

I was hers, already then, I was hers entirely.

Her head moved in my lap and I let my fingertips brush against her forehead gently. I'd been a little nervous about inviting her along to a couple shows this early in our relationship, but just thinking about spending too much time apart from her, it made this unfamiliar and rather uncomfortable feeling appear and reach the surface in my stomach. It made a coldness run down my spine.

Mostly, I'd been scared of how the boys would treat her. They had a habit of being rather cocky and a bit too intense and I didn't want it to scare her off, but she had won them over within the end of the first day. Obviously.

Joining in on the jokes and the banter, going along with stupid ideas, fitting into our little group perfectly. Almost like she was the missing piece to my crazy puzzle, the one thing I had been waiting to find.

With my fingers in her hair, I gazed around the driving tour bus, watching the boys do their own thing. Mike was watching a movie, Andrew talking on the phone, Tom and Dave playing some sort of cards, James half asleep in the bunk above them.

In all this chaos we always had around us when touring, she made me feel peaceful.


Right here, sitting on the sofa on the bus with her head in my lap, I felt calmer than I ever had in my entire life. I found peace when I was with her, no matte where we were or what we were doing, when she was around, my heart felt a little safer.

I bended down and gently, I let the tip of my nose stroke against hers, feeling my skin burning the second I touched her. My nose disappeared into her wavy hair and though she had showered since the last time she was in my bed, my cologne was still sticking to her body.

My thumbs stroked each of her flushed cheeks as I breathed out against her plump lips. A little giggle escaped her mouth, but her eyes stayed closed and she barely moved her heavy body.

I tipped down to her lips and closed the small gap between us. Her lips were sweet; she already had me addicted to the way she tasted. I was always hungry for her lips, actually, it was a struggle not to kiss her every waking moment.

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