If The World Was Ending

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Based on If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels.

It just ended when his name appears on the screen of your vibrating phone. At first, you think you might have hit your head during and are imagining things that aren't happening. But as the vibrations continues, you finally figure you aren't going insane.

You haven't spoken to Shawn in nearly a year but you never did get yourself to delete his number from your phonebook. Somehow, erasing the last memories you have of him is too much for your heart to handle. Keeping his contact in your phone is your way, at least to some extent, still have pieces of him in your life.

You still haven't quite figured out, how to think about him without it ripping your heart out. It's a slow-moving progress but you are doing your best to move on from things that went down back in the days.

Your mind knows it's a stupid idea to pick up the phone, but your heart is too curious as to what he has to say at this hour. You know there's a fair chance you're going to regret your action, but you won't have to deal with the regret until tomorrow and due to tonight's events, who the hell cares.

You hold your breath while your finger presses the green button on the screen to answer his unexpected call.


Your heart drops when you hear his familiar voice at the other end of the phone. Nothing's changed. He sounds exactly the same as the night he walked out your front door and never came back.

Your stomach flips, but whether it's a good or a bad reaction, you aren't aware of. But this strange feeling begins to stir in your veins.

"Hey." You mutter, leaning your back against the wall to hold your balance.

While you wait for an answer, your eyes wander around you. Your apartment is a mess, the mirror in your halfway is shattered, broken glass covering the floor and your entire bookshelf is scattered on your living room carpet.

Your hands are shaking and you're feeling slightly nauseous, there's a lump in your throat making it harder for you to breathe. You keep supporting yourself against the wall, unsure whether or not your legs might not be able to carry you much longer.

"Did you feel it too?" Shawn asks, his worried words blurring from his mouth.

He sounds a bit hoarse and you can't help but think that maybe he has a sore throat. It's the season for that and Shawn always catches something. He's unlucky like that.

"The earthquake? Yeah, I sure felt it." You reply with a stutter.

You're lightheaded and slightly frighten, somehow staying on your feet is getting harder as the seconds pass and your body becomes less numb from the shock.

You hear Shawn breathe calmly through the phone and you shut your eyes to allow yourself to fully remember how he sounds. It makes your heart pound less, hearing him talk, it calms you down. But then again, he always did have that effect on you.

"Are you scared?"

"Kinda, but it's fine." You lie but you're aware Shawn can tell otherwise.

There's a moment of silence between you, it's not uncomfortable but it's slightly painful. There are unspoken things forcing a tension between you. The last time you had a talk, you both said things that crossed the line.

"Why did you call, Shawn?" You ask him, feeling knots forming in your stomach.

You don't want to think about the day he left, but your mind wanders there on its own as your eyes flicker to the white couch. There's still a small stain from the spilled wine. Sometimes, late at night when you're having trouble sleeping, the arguments haunt your mind.

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