Bad Temper

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"I think this might actually be it!" I said, folding the last box together. I ran my fingers through my unwashed hair while breathing out heavily in exhaustion.

To be honest, I thought this would never end. No matter where I looked or what door in the house I opened, there had always been more boxes to start on. More things for the kitchen, clothes I didn't know where to put and tons of guitar pecks I highly doubted Shawn needed.

But at last, after what seemed like an eternity, I had finally unpacked the last one. We were done.

"What?" Shawn yelled from another room, fumbling around with his precious guitars as always.

Shawn swayed through the door and into the living room shortly after, curious to what I was saying just a second ago. His smile was wide and his curls falling into his eyes. Standing behind me, he let his chin rest on my shoulder while gently pressing his warm lips against my steamy neck.

"The last box." I told him. "We're officially moved in."

"Well, that only took around four months." He laughed warmly, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull my back further against his broad chest.

"And whose fault is that?" I fired back jokingly, tilting my head to the side to catch Shawn's stare. Shawn chewed on his bottom lip as I raised my eyebrow at him.

Shawn had barely been home since we moved in and I practically had to do most of the unpacking, decorating and furniture assembling all by myself.

To be fair, Brian had been a great help too. Coming over several times a week to help me get this place looking like somewhat of a home, dropping by with short notice whenever I needed help to hang up a shelf or carry something heavy up the stairs.

"Hey..." Shawn pouted, his mouth nipping to my neck. "I've helped out too."

"Laughing over facetime doesn't count."

"In my world it does." He protested, placing a kiss or two on my skin. "I was cheering you on."

"You were mocking me!"

Well, you did have an awfully hard time putting together a freaking table." He laughed, his lips vibrating against my tender skin.

"Excuse me." I began while raising my eyebrow at him. "Do you want to sleep on the couch tonight?"

I tried to keep a straight face, pretending to be annoyed with him, but as soon as the familiar and rather cheeky smirk spread on Shawn's lips, I couldn't hold back the laughter.

Shawn's hands slid down to my hips as he turned me to face him. He lowered his eyes to get a proper look at me while his hands caressed my back.

"You love me." He smiled, tilting his head to the side while his puppy eyes fell on me. I rolled my eyes at him, giggling slightly at his childish behaviour.


"You love me." He pouted once again. "Say it."

"And if I don't?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow.

Shawn's tongue slipped across his pink lips in a rather teasing way while his eyes glued onto mine. He leaned forward to reach my ear while his thumb slid down my neck.

"Oh, you know what." He breathed, his lips brushing slightly against my earlobe.

His hands moved down my body while reaching the curve of my hips and I knew he was going to tickle me if I gave him a chance to.

"Don't you dare, Mendes." I warned him, grapping for his hands to remove them. Quickly, Shawn intertwined our fingers together, letting his thumb stroke my knuckles.

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