Holding You Back (Smut)

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Word count: 5,2

"I swear he's looking at you again" Ollie grinned, smiling at me widely. He put a couple of bottles with liquor back on their place, not taking his friendly eyes of me.

"Who?" I asked, grabbing two more glasses from the counter. I poured vodka in them both first, then some red bull before putting ice in both glasses.

"The tall, dark-haired guy" he said, nodding in the direction of the billiard tables in the other end of the bar.

My eyes slowly gazed up and once again, I met those dark but beautiful eyes from across the room. When the guy once more caught my stare, a wide smile ran across his rosy lips, as he ran his fingers through his messy, thick hair.

I bit my bottom lip roughly, sending a short smile back. He was standing with a beer in his hand, leaning against the billiard table while his friends played around him.

He had his left hand in the pocket of his black skinny jeans, while he took a sip of beer with the other without taking his eyes off me.

His cheeks were flushed and his eyes seemed a bit blurry. He was wearing a sort of dust green shirt that hugged his body all the right places and revealed his perfectly trained muscles hiding underneath.

Honestly, I could look at him for hours if I had the chance.

We'd been sending each other flirtatious glances and secret yet dirty little smiles all night. Whenever I'd looked his direction, he had already been looking at mine and we somehow always ended up looking at each other.

We hadn't spoken, we hadn't even touched each other, but the sexual tension was hanging thick in the air around us and everyone was noticing.

We were driving each other crazy with the teasing smiles and the flirting looks. At least he was driving me crazy.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys, it's Shawn Mendes" Anna said, putting down her tray with half empty and rather sticky glasses. She gazed at us, sending us a glance as if we were dumb, before shaking her head in frustration.

"And how many times do we have to tell you, we don't know who the fuck that is" Ollie gave back, rolling his eyes at her.

It made me giggle, though I tried my best to hide it. Anna pushed herself up on the bar counter, putting the glasses in the sink beside us.

"The Mercy guy, vine kid. Please have mercy on me, take it easy on my heart?"

"Because that rings a bell to me" Ollie said, sticking his tongue mockingly out at her.

I couldn't stop the laughter that slipped out of my mouth, but I tried strangling the loud noises as much as possible. Anna hated when someone laughed at her.

"Come on, stop fighting you two!" I hurried to say, putting the full glasses on a tray, still not taking my eyes off the guy across the room.

Shawn Mendes, apparently.

I grabbed the other ordered drinks that Ollie mixed and easily filled up the tray, carrying it with only one hand.

He smiled impressively back at me, before winking teasingly my way. His head did a little nod, before he raised his eyebrow and bit playfully into that red bottom lip.

He was so fucking sexy.

I rolled my eyes at him shortly, before sending him another frisky smile. I walked around the packed bar, handing people their drinks with the usual fake smile glued onto my face.

I didn't like this job very much if I was being completely honest. Drunk people always thought they had the right to everything; treating you like shit, hitting on you or grabbing you without permission, but it paid well and if I wanted to get through Uni, it just had to be done.

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