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Small echoes from the few passing cars rang in my ears as the sun started to burn properly into my skin. My heavy feet dragged themselves across the street, aching every step of the way. They always hurt like this whenever I'd joined the boys for their early morning workout session.

Though, I didn't quite want to admit it, I simply couldn't keep up with them. Especially Geoff had become a proper beast and contingently mocked me, every time I had to stop and catch my breath.

A warm and soft hand met mine, interlacing our fingers gently. I stroked the knuckles of the familiar hand, acknowledging the person that had just grabbed my hand within only a few seconds.

"Shawn, we're in public" I whispered, biting my bottom lip.

I looked around us, making sure either Geoff nor Mike or anyone else for the matter of fact, caught our slight show of affection. They were walking way ahead of us and I exhaled deeply, knowing they couldn't catch our little secret.

It was early enough for the streets to be empty, so I didn't have to worry about fans with phones either. Shawn shrugged, tilting his head to the side finally able to look at me properly.

His hair was messy and sweaty, being held away from his eyes with the black bandana I bought for him in Paris. His cheeks were heavily flushed and the redness spread down his throat as well.

"So what?"

"You know what" I raised my eyebrow at him, before slightly shaking my head.

"I don't care about who might see us, I just want to hold your hand" he whispered softly in my ear, before planting a kiss on my sticky cheek.

I tilted my head so Shawn's lips wouldn't linger on my skin for too long. I let my eyes gaze up at him, but Shawn had turned his head and was now facing the sidewalk.

We'd been sneaking around for a couple months; it was mostly my decision but he'd respected my wish to keep it to ourselves. Going public just seemed like a bad idea, at least for me it did. I didn't know how his fans might react and I couldn't risk my own happiness by letting Shawn go public with us.

He was the strong one, not me.

My heart couldn't bare getting hated on or having people talk shit about me. always took it to heart instead of just ignoring most of it like Shawn did. But I had to admit, it was getting harder and harder to keep it a secret.

I hated the fact that I couldn't kiss him whenever I wanted. I couldn't just grab his hand or stroke his cheek when I felt like it. I couldn't just hug him or cuddle him without thinking about it. Thinking about who else was in the room or how to avoid people snapchatting and taking pictures.

A warm finger slipped across my heated face, putting a sweaty tot of hair behind my ear. Shawn stopped me from walking further by getting in front of me. I almost crashed directly into his chest. His deep brown eyes stuck on me, before he sent me a tender smile.

"I'm just holding your hand" he calmed me, lovingly stroking my cheek with his thumb. My eyes darted to the concrete, feeling all the air in my lungs being punched out.

He was right though; he was just holding my hand. Boyfriends should be able to hold their girl's hand in public.

"Fine" I agreed, but only because the streets from the gym back to the hotel seemed empty.

A wide smile ran across his rosy lips, clearly satisfied with this little victory. I rolled my eyes at his childish reaction, before sticking my tongue out at his face. Shawn leaned further against my face, licking his lips quickly.

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