All My Love

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"Shawn? Shawn? Are you even listening to me at all?" I muttered, glancing over at Shawn in the passenger seat.

I turned down John Mayer's calming voice singing to us through the stereo in the jeep. My eyes fell on Shawn late enough for him to jerk up his head and quickly pop his eyes open. Confused and sleepy. For short moment probably wondering where on earth he was.

"Were you sleeping? Like actually sleeping?" I asked, turning my eyes back on the road.

"I wasn't-"

"I was telling you about my day and you fell asleep?"

"No! I-... Sorry babe" Shawn quickly replied, stuttering over his words. He rubbed his sore eyes, slowing bringing himself back from his little nap he'd apparently taken next to me.

"If you don't want to hear me talk, you could at least just ask me to shut up instead of drifting into sleep. I get it, my days are more boring than yours" I joked, turning the wheel and switching lanes on the road. "It's like the fourth time this week" A little laughter slipped out of my lips, but Shawn didn't find it funny at all.

"Please don't say that, babe. You know I love hearing about your days" he said and his desperate tone told me he was being genuine. "I really am sorry. What were you saying?" Shawn hurried, licking his pale lips.

My eyes moved from the road ahead and caught Shawn's silhouette for a couple of seconds, before I had to face the road again.

The bags under his eyes were darker than normally, his eyes were brittle and his face didn't have its usual flush.

"Seriously Shawn, what's going on with you? You've been so tired lately. Even beyond the point of tired, you're exhausted"

"You think so? I'm fine, really. Just the usual kind of busy" he brushed off, shrugging his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal.

Though he tried denying it, I'd been dating Shawn long enough to know he was lying to me. I knew that little stutter and the slight hesitation before replying was his way of trying to cover up a lie.

Shawn was a good liar when it came to this particular thing – he never lied otherwise – but when it came to letting people into his heart, his lies had always guarded him. I was rather proud actually, finally being able to see through him when he lied about how he was actually feeling.

"Are you sure you're fine? I'm worried, Shawn" I whispered, biting into my bottom lip.

Shawn leaned across his seat and let his warm lips brush against my neck. His hand slipped over my thigh and gave my knee a little squeeze, before his thumb stroked my skin in small yet loving circles.

"You don't need to worry babe, I'm fine. It's just been a busy few days" he gasped, pressing his lips against my cheek.

"More like a busy few weeks" I eyed him shortly, debating whether or not to actually believe him. "You promise me you're okay?"

"I promise you" he replied.

I tilted my head to look at him, his face only being inches apart from mine. It had left obvious traces on Shawn – the not sleeping - but I also trusted him when he assured me everything was fine. He had been in this business for so long, he knew when enough was enough. I couldn't tell him how to run his career, I could only choose to believe him when he told me everything was under control.

I sighted slightly, but then I finally gave in and nodded. Shawn quickly pressed his warm lips against mine, before pushing my chin to the side.

"Now, eyes on the road. I would like to get home in one piece, please."

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