Tease (Smut)

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"This is really good, Karen" I said, putting another bite into my mouth.

Karen had always made the best rice in the world. I knew Shawn would rather have had me all to himself tonight, but I actually really wanted to have dinner with his parents. As lame as that might sound.

Shawn had been whining about it all day, begging me to cancel because he had other plans with me and I knew very well those plans had something do to with eating me and not food.

"I'm glad you like it, hon. You appreciate it at least" Karen said, gazing over at Shawn, before raising her eyebrow at him.

"I like it too, mom" Shawn muttered, pushing around the food on the plate with his fork.

I softly hit Shawn's lap underneath the table, telling him to be nice. I knew he was horny and needy after being all alone in LA for about a month - but still - his parents just wanted to see him as well, sure he could wait another hour or two.

Shawn looked to his side, catching my direct and firm stare on him. He smirked at me at first - seeing just how far he could push it - but then nodded at me once the end.

"Thank you" I mumbled, sending him a tiny smile.

He smiled back at me but something about that smile let me know, he was surely up to something: I just didn't know what it was.

"Try dipping the carrot in the soy sauce, it gives it a little extra spark" Karen said, holding up the jar of soy sauce.

I picked up the carrot from my plate and dipped it into the thick, dark liquid. I took the carrot into my mouth and sucked off the fluid biting at the end, nodding at her afterwards.

"That does taste so good!" I agreed, watching Karen's smile grow.

Oh, how I loved this woman.

I then caught on to Shawn's eyes gazing at me and how he was barely even breathing. His brown eyes were dark and expanded and his mouth almost gaping wide open, letting me catch of small glimpse of his white teeth.

His eyes were glued on me as he breathed in heavily and his cheeks seemed to flush heavily within seconds. I watched as his teeth dug into his plumb bottom lip.

"What?" I asked confused, wrinkling my forehead at him.

This kid was so weird sometimes, like what even.

Shawn leaned in without his parents noticing, taking a deep breath against my skin. It left my entire body with chills as soon as his sweetness spread.

"I wish you were sucking me like that, night now" he whispered silently against my ear, his lips slightly brushing against my suddenly heated skin.

Shawn's dark and raspy voice did things to my body that left me with a tickly feeling running around my veins and my skin lingering.

"Shawn!" I hissed, letting my eyes shoot to his parents chatting together across the table. Another massive and playful smug ran across his lips, before he slowly shrugged his shoulders teasingly.

"I'm just saying, I have something that would taste much better sucking on" he spoke once again.

His filthy words made my mouth feel dry and my lips began to tremble as I tried forcing down some air. The thought of sucking Shawn's hard boner and tasting him after so long was making my body wet all sort of places. I licked my lip, then biting it hard, trying to swallow the whimper slowly raising in my throat from thinking about how big he was and how my lips could do wonders around his tip.

"That's right baby girl, something really hard" he teased me, almost letting his lips touch my ear.

I had to swallow the lump in my dry throat, before it was even possible for me to take a breath.

Shawn Mendes one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now