Shawn as a boyfriend

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Question on tumblr: Could you maybe do some bullet on things shawn would find himself saying all the time to his s/o? 

Here's a couple of scenarios I could see happening when he's deeply in love with you.

Shawn is the type of guy - when he's home from tour to relax - to lay in bed in the mornings and watching you stress around to get dressed in time with your hair all wet and your face completely natural and just have this wide smile painted on his lips as his eyes carefully follow you sway around the room. And all of a sudden, when you're picking up your earrings from the bedside table, he'll reach out for your hand and pull you into the bed again with his fingers running through your messy hair and just whisper "God, you're so beautiful."

Shawn is the type of guy - when you're cuddling up to him on a Friday night while watching movies - to suddenly break the silence with a question like "how do you feel about a beach wedding?" and you would be completely taken back by his question and how it came out of nowhere but you would feel the warmth grow in your stomach. "because I can picture us getting married with a sunset and the waves as our back ground" and then like nothing had happened, he would just continue to let his fingers brush lightly up and down your arms and let his lips nip to your skin. "and I don't know, you would just look breath-taking in a flowy dress with flowers in your hair" and then continue to watch the movie as if this wasn't a big deal, as if those were normal thoughts to him.

Shawn is the type of guy - when you're driving from Toronto to Pickering to pick up Aaliyah - who would have the radio blasting John Mayer loudly while the two of you were singing along together. You guys would be doing a duet, getting really into the song and dancing along to the words. And then suddenly, while you continued to sing, his hand would slip across your lap and squeeze your knee gently and he would just look at you for a second. "You make me so unbelievably happy every single day" and he would pull your knuckles to his mouth and let his soft lips rub against them.

Shawn is the type of guy - who just knows when you're hurting - you don't even have to tell him, he can just see it. He can see it in your eyes. He can hear it in your voice. He can feel it in the way you react. He reads you so well, he just knows when you're falling apart inside. And without using words, he would just drag you into his lap and wrap his strong arms around your body and he would just hug you while whispering "It's okay, baby. It's just a bad day, tomorrow is better" and kiss the top of your hair in the most loving way. "I'm right here, it's okay hon."

And phrases I think Shawn would say often would be:

"See you soon, love""You feel like home to me""Damn, you look fucking sexy in that""I love it when you go all grumpy on me""Let me show you just how great I can treat you""How did I get this lucky, eh?""Oh shut up, I know you missed me""Mine""I don't think you even realize how much I actually love you""Honey, my heart is yours. You know that""God, I'm so in love with you""I hope our sex is just as good when we grow old together""I wrote a song about you""I had a dream about you last night""Thank you for being in my life. For believing in me, for pushing me to be better, for keeping me sane. Thank you for being you""I'm not a bad loser, you clearly cheated. This game suck""Come cuddle""I can't wait until I get to kiss you again"

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