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"Dad, you home?" Shawn yells after unlocking the front door to his parents' house in Pickering.

You haven't been back here for a while but as soon as you step through the door, you feel at home. Comfortable and safe.

Their house looks the same, the only thing changed since last time is the newest additions of photos hanging on the wall in their hall. You smile shortly when you see Karen's favourite picture of Shawn. The one with the Harry Potter shirt, the questionable haircut and braces when he's around seven years old.

You feel Shawn's hand slip down your back before he removes his palm to find your hand instead.

"Hey dad, you here?" He yells again, his eyes searching the familiar rooms.

Your eyes catch another photo and you suddenly feel a warmth rushing down your spine as the heat raises in your cheeks. It's a photo of you.

Just you.

At your graduation, wearing the blue dress Manny went to pick out with you. Karen and your mother offered to come, but since they are both into loads of pink and an insane amount of glitter, you didn't hesitate when Manny offered taking you instead.

Karen and Manny have plenty of photos with Shawn and you hanging around the house, some with both Shawn, Aaliyah and you as well, but you have never seen a photo of just you here. It allows your heart to grow just a little as another smile spread on your lips.

"I think he's in the backyard." Shawn says with a laughter. "Doing 'gardening', you know?"

Shawn rolls his eyes and you can't help but laugh. You are both aware that Manny absolutely hates gardening but it's the perfect excuse for him to take a little nap or read a book undisturbed.

Shawn leans forward to kiss you, his hand sliding behind your neck. You place your hand on his chest while feeling his heart pound in a steady pace.

"God, you're shaking." Shawn mumbles with a small smile on his lips. He places his hand on yours and you feel the heat in your cheeks in the matter of seconds.

"I am a little nervous, I guess." You shrug, your eyes darting towards the floor.

It's a lie, though. You are beyond nervous, you're at the point of a nervous breakdown.

You chew on your bottom lip as you feel another wave of nausea spread to your stomach. Shawn uses his thumb to lift your chin, forcing your unsure eyes to meet his. They are warm and loving and it makes you somewhat calmer.

"Hey." He tells you, his thumb sliding across your quivering lips. "There's nothing to worry about."

You hear the honesty in his words but you have a hard time believing them. You know it's stupid but you're afraid of rejection.

"That's easy for you to say." You tell Shawn, your head shaking lightly. "He's your father."

Shawn's smile fades a little while he removes a tot of hair from your face and places it behind your ear. He stares at you for a moment, knowing you still have scars on your heart, he can't possibly mend for you.

He leans down to kiss your lips tenderly causing you to moan softly into his mouth. He allows his forehead to rest against yours, finding your hands to give you a slight embrace. He feels them shake and his heart starts to ache from knowing you're suffering slightly at the moment.

"I know this is somewhat terrifying for you." He says with a sigh, his soft eyes watching you carefully. "But there's nothing to be scared about, okay? My dad loves you, you know that. My mum too."

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