Drunk or Sober (smut)

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You know this specific playlist is made with only one intention in mind. You have heard the songs too many times, though you still can't remember the words to most. 

Shawn will never admit it, but the only thing he uses this playlist for is getting drunk and getting it on. Not that you complain, you never really complain when you hang around Shawn's. 

The familiar tunes fade into background noise as Shawn's lips fold around the cigarette, his eyes flicker as they sink together and he takes another drag. In public Shawn never smokes, you doubt Karen has the slightest idea and you know he'll never get caught. He's too clever. 

You feel a slight tug in your stomach while you watch the way Shawn's tongue darts around the edge of the cigarette in his mouth. His cheeks are getting flushed, but you hardly even notice, you're too busy staring at his plump lips moving in ways that makes your toes curl.

He's teasing you, playing games and working you up. You can tell easily from the smirk wandering his smug face. 

There's something about these steamy summer nights that makes you a tad insane. You're both laying in his couch, legs entangled to each other with a stunning view of the Toronto skyline as background. 

You're sipping another glass of wine and your thoughts are already somewhat slurred. You bumped into Shawn outside a club a few months ago and you have been coming around his place loads since. 

Sneaking in late at night when the neighbors has gone to sleep and mostly sneaking out before the crack of dawn. 

You don't get your hopes up with him, though. You have heard all the rumors at least a hundred times and seen all the pictures multiple girls post on social media. Shawn gets around as much as he likes and you're fully aware that you aren't the one to change that. 

You know it's risky when you stumble into his apartment at two in the morning. At some point, your heart is going to fall in too deep and you're the one who's going to end up hurt.

Not that you care much. Being around Shawn, talking about deep shit you've never shared with anyone or getting drunk on a bottle of tequila with him, is the best cure when you're stressed out. 

There's something about being in Shawn's company that you can't quite put your finger on. You relax when he's around, he makes you feel less anxious and you like that. Not being at war with your mind every waken moment. 

With Shawn, it's easy. It's always easy. 

You tilt your head as you watch Shawn force his fingers through the dark curls, using two fingers to remove the cigarette from his lips to down his glass of wine completely. His tongue slides between his pink lips and you feel a warmth in your stomach. 

Shawn's slurred eyes fall on yours and you can't help the smile that peaks on your face. He returns immediately with a small but somehow warm grin, that cracks butterflies in your stomach within seconds. 

Shawn shuts his eyes and nods his head to the rhythm of the song. He chews on his bottom lip while humming along almost silently. 

Most people get him wrong. You can't blame them, you did to begin with as well. People say he's shallow and thinks too highly of himself. It's not true, though. 

Sure, he's confident. But he's confident in a way that makes him comfortable in his own skin. 

Shawn knows who he is and what he stands for and you find that extremely attractive. He's much deeper than people assume. You have never met someone who think as much as he does, feels as deeply as he does.

You are completely and utterly in awe when he talks about things that matter to him, but most people don't see that side. Shawn won't let them. He's private and he doesn't care what other's think. You could learn from him and his attitude in life, you know that. 

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