Attention (smut)

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Shawn hadn't paid proper attention to you for days and it was really starting to get on your goddamn nerves.

He was in the middle of writing another album, wanting it to be much better than the last and he had over the last week or so forgotten you excited too. At least that's how it felt.

At the beginning you didn't mind much, you were used to him spacing out when he was creating but the last couple of days had been pure hell.

Not because you were missing him terribly much, not because you wanted him to stop his writing process or because you couldn't spend a few days without him being available but because, to say the least, you were really fucking horny and he just didn't seem to catch on.

These days Shawn had been looking more jacked to you, more wholesome, looking like a full course meal, you apparently couldn't have a taste of because he hadn't noticed any of your obvious and quite desperate signs at all.

And as you sat on the couch, watching your boyfriend sitting by the piano with his fingers moving across the keys, you were about to fucking explode. Lose your shit, to be completely honest.

For the past hour, you had been trying to get some studying done as Shawn had specifically told you, he didn't want to be bothered because he was finishing up something great, but how did he expect you to not bother him when he was looking like that.

His curls were wild and falling to his eyes, his biceps hugged perfectly by the tight t-shirt, the usual pinkish flush on his cheeks and those longs fingers alternately pressing down the black and white keys of the large piano.

You chewed on the edge of your pen as Shawn shut his eyes and those fucking fingers destroyed the C and D completely.

As you watched his hands work, you couldn't help but stare at his favorite silver, feather ring on his left hand, it was your absolute weakness for some strange reason.

Your breathing became unsteady as you felt the wet pool between your already quivering legs just by thinking of those familiar fingers working wonders on or inside your body, either way was fine with you really.

The thought of how they moved inside of you or when he was shoving them into your mouth to keep you quiet whenever he was giving it to you just as rough as you liked it, was enough to leave your pussy dripping for him.

And the jerk didn't even notice. God.

Sucking on the end of the pen, you pressed your thighs together as your eyes continued to follow the movement of his long fingers sliding slowly across the piano.

Cracking your head from side to side, you did your best to suppress the throbbing ache between your legs, reminding yourself Shawn had been very clear about not bothered for the next few hours.

But your body was begging for him, it was aching for his touch and you just couldn't help yourself any longer. You needed your boyfriend to fuck you and you needed him to fuck you right this second.

Creating an album or not.

You watched carefully as Shawn folded out a piece of paper on the blank surface of the piano, scratched over old notes and writing down new ones, completely unaware of your bobbling hunger.

You weren't quite sure, he even realized you were in the room with him. He zoned out completely, couldn't focus on anything else until the beat he had in his head or the idea of the perfect lyrics had been put to paper and he was happy about the result. Which he hardly ever was by the way.

If you wanted what you were craving, you had to take it because the kid over there wasn't going to give it to you otherwise.

You put down the book and rose from the white sofa in middle of the room as you bounced across the wooden floor and made your way towards the piano without Shawn even noticing your sudden movements nor paying attention to your footsteps approaching him.

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