Shawn coming home from tour (Bulletpoints)

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Sex in the car when picking him up from the airport. 

Loads of forehead kisses and shared smiles.

"I've missed you so much, my heart actually hurts."

Running your fingers through his curls simply because you've missed being able to. 

Family dinners and catching up.

Falling sleep on Shawns chest again.

And waking up to his messy hair hair and those drowsy eyes you love too much. 

Unpacking and washing his clothes together.

"Did you really buy this shirt because... you liked it? You actually thought it was a good buy?" "What? It's kinda funky."

Late night conversations in your underwear while sitting on the kitchen counter and eating ice cream off the same spoon. 

Massaging Shawn's forehead and playing with his curls.

Having sex every day for a week, multiple times a day because you finally can. 

Constant hand holding while Shawn interlaces your fingers.

Then kissing your knuckles gently afterwards because he's simply grateful he's able to hold your hand again. 

"It's good to be home." "It's good to have you home."

Shawn being the annoying dork he is; poking you, teasing you, licking your face or ear when you don't say enough attention to him.

"Kiss me, hug me, hold me and never leave me." Then he'd make the biggest poppy eyes ever because he just feels a little lost whenever he's away from you. 

Making up for all the kisses you've missed out on.

Harry Potter marathons with Aaliyah including popcorn fights - because it's just became a post-tour tradition.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Shawn?" "I'm just catching up on the face I've missed seeing for weeks."

Shawn hardly ever letting go of you. Like you can't even leave the bed to get a glass of water.

"Don't leave me. cuddle me, love me, never let me go." "Shawn, I'm getting water..." "Don't, come back in my arms."

Shawn kissing all the soft spots on your body.

"I've missed those lips." "These lips have missed the taste of you."

Shawn taking you on spontaneous dates to make up for his lack of presence.

Good morning kisses.

And goodnight kisses because he finally can. 

"I'm never leaving you again." "That's a lie, idiot." "No, I'm kidnapping you and bringing you along next time."

Shawn watching you sleep for hours. 

Jamming out to John Mayer at a am because neither of you can sleep.

Shawn sharing all the funny and embarrassing stories from tour. Mostly about Brian. 

"I wish you didn't have to leave again soon." "I'll always be with you, right here." Then Shawn would place his hand on your chest.

Sleeping too little because you both know you're already running out of time again. 

Catching up on all the tv shows you were watching together. 

You may or may not have slipped and binged them all without him, Shawn totally knowing that.

"You mark the days until I get home?" "Maybe... It's nice to look forward to something." "You're a keeper."

Playfully arguing about who missed the other the most. 

Shawn taking pictures of you all the fucking time and you getting a tad annoyed. 

"Stop, Shawn. I look like such a mess." "You look perfect to me and the more pictures I have of you, the less I'll miss you."

You telling Shawn about everything that has been going on while he's been gone. 

Shawn suddenly getting insecure and quiet. 

"Promise me something? Promise I'll always be yours." "Always, Shawn. Always."

Shawn wearing his grey Saint Lauren hoodie all the time, because he knows you like to wear it when he's not home because it smells of him.

"You do know I love you with my whole heart, right? You're it  for me, honey You're my person." 

Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles. 

Late night drives to different fast-food stores with Brian and Matt, to find the best fries in town. 

Days where you guys don't even leave the bed because being with each other is all you feel like doing. 

"You know, nowhere ever feels like home unless you're there with me." 

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