Like To Be You | Blurb

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"I'm fucking dying here, why can't you see it?" she screamed at me, tears forming in years as soon as the words left her trembling mouth.

She followed right behind as I walked towards the garage with the anger began pumping in my veins.

"Seriously, you can't keep accuse me of shit I've never done! It's getting really old" I yelled back as I reached for the car keys in the pocket of my jeans.

"Oh, really. You're actually going to fucking leave right now?" she rolled her eyes at me as I unlocked the car and grabbed for the handle.

In a quick move, her hand pushed the door back and prevented me from getting in.

"Shawn! You can't just fucking leave me. We need to talk about this"

"Talk?" I squealed angrily back at her as I turned to face her. "We don't fucking talk. All you ever do is yell at me. It's like you're always picking fights" I told her as the knot in my stomach grew and the ache kicked in shortly after.

"You're kidding me, right? You're being-"

"I need some space, okay? You're fucking suffocating me" I scoffed as I removed her hand from the handle. She fought my move but I was stronger.

Her wild eyes stuck on mine as the anger on her faces faded and was replaced with a mixture of somewhat pain and fear in the matter of seconds.

"Please, don't walk away right now. Please Shawn" she begged me as her teeth dug into her bottom lip to strangle the sobs pressing on.

Lately, her feelings had been a messy. I couldn't keep up with when she was angry and when she was hurting. My head was literally spinning from having to deal with the non-stop mood swings she constantly threw at me.

I took a deep breath to calm myself as much as possible and let my fingers run through my hair to push back the curls falling in my eyes. Tears began running silently down her face as she stood in front of me with her arms crossed.

"Look-" I reached for her shoulder and let my hand give her a soft squeeze. "I need to take a breather, okay? I have to remove myself from this situation right now because we're just screaming at each other. We aren't fixing anything or talking to each other... and I'm afraid I might say something I don't mean because I'm pissed at you" I told her as she wiped tears falling from her flushed face.

At first, she looked like she was going to fight me but then she took a step back from the car, unblocking the door. She was rubbing her sweaty palms together as her eyes flickered around the room, avoiding all eye contact with me.

Her face was just as heated as mine and I could tell her entire body was as tense and juddering with frustration too.

I rubbed the back of my neck, somewhat dealing with the nagging headache the fight had given me, as I opened the door to front seat.

"Just come back to me, okay?" she muttered without letting her eyes fall on mine.

A slight yank of pain formed in my heart as her sad words blurred from her mouth. Quickly, I placed my hand on her cheek as I leaned forward to kiss her forehead ever so gently.

"I just need air, that's all. We both need to cool down" I promised her as kissed her forehead before getting into the car, shutting the door and backed out of our driveway.

Driving through Toronto at night had always been the best way for me to cool down; whether it was from stressing too much, my anxiety, getting into fights or whatever else I had to deal with, I felt better once driving the tiny streets, unfamiliar streets with John Mayer blasting from the stereo.

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