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*Knock knock*

Jimin rushes to the door still in his PJs.

"Hi your Jimin, right?" Jimin nods his head and moves to the side so his roommate could come in.

"Yes, thats me Park Jimin, you must be Min Yoongi."

"Yup. So what's the deal do I sleep on the couch or..."

"Oh no te couch is a sofa bed so you can just pull it out and put some sheets and blankets on and you should be fine, any other questions?"

"Yeah what do you do for a living?"

"I am a dance teacher and you?"

"I'm right now looking for a music producing job."

"Cool. So umm I have another dresser in the bedroom you could use for your stuff and there's a few things in the kitchen if you want to eat something."

"Alright then. I'll just take a nap."

"Okay I gotta finish some paperwork so I'll be in the bedroom if you need anything." Yoongi just nods as he grabs his PJ's to change into. Jimin leaves the room and sits at his desk filling out paper work for the new employees that start work tomorrow.

The next day

"Well lets see how Yoongi slept." Jimin says as he walks to the door.

"Hey your up early, when does work start for you?"

"In an hour, I usually wake up early so my face isn't puffy at work." Yoongi just nods as he grabs his laptop from his suitcase.

Jimin goes to the kitchen and makes pancakes for breakfast 🥞. As Jimin sets up the table Yoongi sits there looking for a part-time job.

"Yoongi you want breakfast I made pancakes."

"Yeah sure I'll be there in a sec." Yoongi responds closing his laptop and making his way to the kitchen/dining area. Jimin grabs a cup for Yoongi and pours some coffee in.

"Shit" Jimin mumbles under his breath.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asks

"Oh I just forgot to clean the dishes so there's only one cup left other than the sippy cup."

"Oh... why do you even have a sippy cup anyways?"

"I sometimes babysit my cousins." Jimin lies as he sits down about to eat

"Oh cool. I'm not that good with kids I only babysat once and I got scolded for letting the kids run around the house."

"Oh... well I could probably help you get better with kids so you could babysit as a job.?"

"Maybe, it's possible." Yoongi responds and shoves a piece of pancake in his mouth.

"Wow these are really good!"

"Thanks... I had to do a lot of the housework when I was a kid."

"Oh really i did too. My parents would always come home around 11:00 pm so I took care of myself most of the time."

"Guess we were kinda in the same boat."

Yoongi nods and checks the time. He quickly leave the table and gets back in his laptop. Jimin looks at the clock and quickly puts the dishes in the sink. As Jimin is now rushing into his room to change Yoongi is now playing an online game talking with his friend Taehyung.

Private chat

Hey what's up my hyung?

SugaFree: Moved in last night. roommate is cool

Really... well I gotta go my bf(best friend) is talking to me bye

later little alien 👽:)

"Bye Yoongi I'll see you when I'm done with work."

"Bye Jimin have fun."

Jimin POV

I quickly went outside and walked to work since it's within walking distance. In the way I bumped into Hoseok my friend who has tried to match-make me for a while now. I haven't told him about my little space or that I'm gay. We talked for a while till we entered work.

"Morning Jimin, Hoseok, today you'll be teaching the new employees what the situation is and a routine for their students."

"Yes sir, but we never had that happen when we first joined."

"This is a new approach I hope it will be successful."

"Got it, sir."

"Good you'll use Jimin's studio."

"Alright, we'll be going now, sir."

Jimin and Hoseok make their way to Jimin's dance studio to find a new employee already their.



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