Little Space

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"So... your a little." Yoongi says

"Y yeah."

"Can you explain it to me."

"Little space is when someone can act younger than there age to relieve stress. Some little's have caregivers. Caregivers are people who love with the little taking care of them when they're in little space. I don't have one. Anyways that's pretty much it for little space."

"Huh... do you want a caregiver?"

"No not really."


"Again I'm really sorry for calling you daddy."

"Don't... you were feeling little, it's fine."


Jimin smiles as he sips his drink. Yoongi on the other hand...was losing it finding out his roommate was a little and that little Jimin calls him daddy is well kinda uncomfortable for him.

"I'm going to bed now. Night."


And with that Jimin leaves to his room, leaving Yoongi with his thoughts.

Wow I guess he's been hiding for a while now. Maybe I should... no no he said he didn't want a Caregiver so I won't do that unless he's okay with it.
I'm such a good roommate and friend.

Yoongi sighs. Getting up from the table still thinking about what happened.

What happened

"Awww Minnie did good with this one."Jimin says as he hangs it on the walk unaware that Yoongi is back.


"Hi Daddy!"


"M Minnie's scared why did  daddy yell?"

"Oh no no. I was just surprised you never called me daddy before." Yoongi says his tone of voice trying to sooth Jimin,who had teary eyes.

"R really? D daddy isn't mad?"

"Of course not. Now why not you color something for me while I get a drink, okay?"

"Sure dad!" Jimin says perking up. Yoongi smiles as he gets up.

A few minutes later when Jimin was done with the drawing for Yoongi.


"Oh.. Jimin are you okay?"

"It it hurts."


"Here." Jimin points at his knee. "Can dada kiss it better?"

"O-Okay." Yoongi hesitates as he leans his head towards Jimin's knee.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HYUNG!" Jimin yells causing Yoongi to jault his head away from Jimin's knee.

"You asked me too!"

"To do what?"

"To kiss a boo boo better!"

"Oh ummm. I'll be in my room bye!"



"Well... better get some sleep we have work tomorrow."

To Be Continued

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