First Hand Caregiving

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Yoongi's POV



"Hi Minnie!" I say smiling

"Daddy, can I have some warm milk?"

"Of course! Continue watching cartoons and I'll join you okay?"
"Alright!" Jimin said smiling brightly plopping himself back on the couch.

I walk to the kitchen and grab hw sippy cup putting some milk in it.

I guess I'll have to take care of him for a while. I hope I don't do anything wrong. When I'm married with Jimin I'll have to deal with an extra kid when he feels little! That'd be so cute!

I grin at the thought and the microwave goes off. I take the milk out and walk to the living room where Minnie was still watching cartoons while hugging a stuffed animal.

"Here's your milk."

"Thanks!" He says cheerfully as I sit down.

He moves to sit next to me and nuzzles his head in my arm. I froze at this but quickly tried to relax and remember that this is a younger version of Jimin.

We watched cartoons for the next three hours. When Jimin fell asleep. I turned off the T.V., and picked the sleeping Jimin up, taking him to his room. I places him in the bed and went to get the stuffed animal when he grabbed my hand.

"Stay with me daddy... get Elenor tomorrow." He said his voice sliding like a pout was about to come out.

I gave in to his request not wanting to make him cry. As I got into the bed Minnie started to cuddle me his head on my chest, his arms around my waist. I returned the hug and put my hands on his waist laying a kiss on his forehead before we both dozed off to sleep.

To Be Continued

Preview of next chapter

"Hyung! What are you doing in my bed!"

Why is he here!?

Who's that?

"Hey! ******* how are you man! Haven't seen each other since highschool!"


He's having so much fun with him.

Leave predictions in the comments! Just comment on the line! BAI!!

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