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Author POV
After Taehyung and Jungkook left the other alone the night of the date something happened between the two of them.

"Jagi where's my Gucci bag?"

"Right here." Jungkook responded lifting he bag up


The two headed home after grabbing there things as there shift had ended. On the way home Jungkook held Tae's hand the two smiling as they walked.

"Hey hyung?"

"Yeah, Kook?"

"When are we gonna you know."

"Know what?"

"Do it."

"I-I... Why would you suddenly ask that question!?"

"I just wanted to know."

"I don't know but it's not anytime soon."

"Ok. I wonder what Yoongi and Jimin hyung are doing."

"Probably making doe eyes and being cheesy af."

"Yeah plus they just started dating it'll be fun to see them all intimate. We'd get to see what it's like being extra wheels."

"Yeah although we'd probably start doing the same thing."


The two then walked in silence on the way home still holding hands and smiling like idiots. They soon arrived home and went inside. Taking their shoes off  and jackets before heading to the separate bathrooms to take a shower and change into PJ's.

The two went to bed after cuddled up all together enjoying each other's warmth as they traveled to dream land thinking about each other.

To Be Continued

Hey R&D's sorry that the chapter is short we've been busy with a lot and need to catch up on a few things. The next we chapter will be longer than it usually is to make up for this short chapter.

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