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Author POV
It's been a few weeks since Jimin confronted Yoongi. They've been living in piece for a while now. If your wondering... yes they've done the nasty. But recently Yoongi has been occupied with something. Jimin is honestly jealous. Why? Because his boyfriend doesn't talk to him, always on the phone, comes home late, doesn't eat dinner with him, and has not even slept(cuddled) in the same bed as Jimin for 3 weeks straight.

This worries Jimin a lot...

Is he planning something?


Somethings wrong, that I don't know about?

He's leaving?

Got bored of me?

This has been running through Jimin's mind after the first 3 days had passed since Yoongi's avoiding started.  He stopped slipping into little space knowing that he had to know when he was big.

Meanwhile Yoongi has been stressed on a lot of things. Coming up with new songs for when he sends them into a entertainment company hiring, his big plan for Jimin, and a section of his plan that was taking to long. He's been busy and really tired. He doesn't talk because he's scared he'll reveal a part of the plan. He's made sure that ALL of their friends and family that accept them know. Then there's the small itty bitty part in the plan that worries Yoongi. He was supposed to hear from the owner of the shop a week ago. He's been planning a lot and he doesn't want anything out of place.

Hey R&D's!
Here is a small teaser for you all! Make some predictions on what's gonna happen!!! Sadly the book will be ending soon...


We will be doing a prequel of the Yoonmin couple in college! You've seen a few things that have happened but now... you will know what there past relationship was like before the accident.

Get ready! For we will also be posting a new book! Many of you know that we had a book called Hybrid. Luckily It's Back! And this time better than ever! The only question is... who will you the reader be shipped with?

Comment on the names to say which one you want!

Kim Namjoon

Kim Seokjin

Min Yoongi

Jung Hoseok

Park Jimin

Kim Taehyung

Jeon Jungkook

Let us know!!!

If there are any other things you would like to know or suggest join our google classroom:)

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