Set up?

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Yoongi's POV
What did I get myself into!! I shouldn't have let Hobi do this!!

At the dance studio(before classes)

"I can set you and him up." Hoseok says smiling at me.

"No no no no no."

"Aww why?"

"I want things to happen slowly with Jimin and I if we do end up together."

"Ok can I set you up with someone, I promise it won't be like what happened to Jimin." Hoseok pleaded.

"Ok tell me when."


"I'm back let's open up classes start soon." Jimin says giving a signature eye smile.

"Great, Hoseok can you open the place up?"

"Yeah, sure Jimin."

"So... Hoseok is planing on getting me a blind date. I hope it doesn't turn out bad."

"I hope so too." Jimin said

Yoongi smiles but was secretly dying inside. Does Jimin not feel the same? Yoongi questioned before the students came in.

Back to the present

"Hi,I'm Hanuel and I'll be your waitress is there anything you'd like to drink sir?"

"Ah just a water please." I respond smiling

"Alright then."

I sit there patiently waiting for my blind date to be here.

When Hanuel, the waitress, comes back with her top loosened and her skirt up a little higher than before.

"Her you go sir. Are you waiting for anyone else?"

"Yes, I am. They would like some water as well."

"Is there anything else I can get you?"

"No and nice try to seduce me but I'm gay."

"Oh well, that's a shame but my boyfriend is here and I only did this to elder his attention do you mind helping at all?"

"You want me to act straight?"

"Yeah all the other guys here are huge pervs and come here for my co-worker Cassandra."

"I see, Alright I'll help but my meal and the person I'm meeting's meal is on you."

"I can cope with that."

All of a sudden a guy walks up to us and wraps is arms around her waist.

"Hanie why are you taking so long?"

"I'm just doing my job Tae."

"Wait, Tae as in Taetaes?"


"How are ya?"

"Good, nice to finally meet you in person hyung."

"Yeah anyways, you need to make sure that Hanuel here covers up a bit."

"Yeah... Why are you dressed like this anyways?"

"For you... I know your schedule and wanted to see your reaction."

"Your trying to get me jealous huh?"

"Maybe... anyways lets get back to work before the boss gets mad."

"Yeah. Bye hyung see you."


I waited a few more minutes and started getting my things when someone walked in and cane up to me.

"Min Yoongi right?"

"Correct, I'm assuming your Sehun?"

"That's right. Don't tell Hoseok this but I started dating the last person he set me up with."

"Oh so your just here because he bugged you a zillion times to do this huh?"

"Exactly. Could we be friends instead?"

"Yeah I don't mind."


We continued to chat and soon finished eating. We exchanged numbers and I went back to Jimin and I's apartment.

"I missed you daddy!"

To Be Continued

Hey guys Taerin here and in writin this chapter sadly your other author Hyunrin is at the moment in the hospital. I hope you all can understand why it takes long for us to post for we have many family and medical problems in our lives. Thank you for supporting us Bai.

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