Mission: have an amazing date 2

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Before you guys read I'm letting you know that we are no longer on hiatus. Some people are probably thinking. Damn you guys got over the dead kid fast something like that but truthfully we're still hurt we'll always be hurt but that doesn't mean we'll stop doing what we love for instance we like writing for you guys even though some say we're plagiarizing another writers story. The careers we actually want is to become singers/rappers in the music world. Wish us luck.
Author POV
The two were still eating as Jimin thought about something.

Well I told him I was Gay. He is to but we haven't talked since the food came.

"Hyung try some of my food it's really good." Jimin said holding his fork out for Yoongi to take a bite.

Yoongi smiles finishing his piece of steak before taking a bite of Jimin's food.

"It's pretty good. Here try some steak." Jimin smiles and takes a bite of the steak still smiling as he eats.

"It's really good hyung."

Yoongi smiles noticing some barbecue sauce on Jimin's lip and cheek. Yoongi leans in closer not caring of his clothes get dipped into his food.

"H-hyung your food is g-getting on y-your clothes." Jimin stutters our becoming nervous as Yoongi leans in closer.

Yoongi tried putting on a cool act but really he just wanted to coo at Jimin and punch his cute but chubby cheeks. Yoongi pntonues moving forward before moving his hand to swipe off the barbecue sauce on the side of Jimins cheek. Quickly he moves his hand to Jimin's chin.

"H-hyung wha-" Yoongi cuts Jimin off as he gives Jimin a peck on the lips before sitting down and taking his napkins to clean if his now stained clothes.

Jimin sat there frozen as he was still processing what had just happened.



Yoongi blushes lightly as Jimin is now standing shocked at what he just yelled. Yoongi then begins to laugh happily at how cute Jimin is, a gummy smile prominent on the olders face. The younger begins to laugh as well happy that his hyung is having fun.

Taehyung and Jungkook come running wonder what the commotion had been about. The two then joined Yoongi and Jimin in laughter.

Later on that evening the two had just gotten home after talking about going out on another date unsure about when.



Jimin then kissed Yoongi passionately wanting to be the dominant one this time. That did not last long before Jimin was pushed up against the wall arms snakes around Yoongi's neck legs around his waist. They broke part quickly needing to catch there breath.

"Hyung... when you had that blind date set up by Hoseok hyung. I was there, reason why when you got home I was little that time. I-I had gotten jealous and stressed out about oh maybe you like him instead and I wouldn't get a chance to be with you."

"Jiminie he's just a friend he has has a boyfriend that Hoseok had him set up with way before he was begged to go on another."

"Really?" Jimin pouted

Yoongi kisses Jimin again.

"That answer your question."

"Yeah..." Jimin blushes once again caught off guard.

The two guy quickly changed into pajamas and went to bed snuggled in each other's warmth under a blanket. Jimin's head layed on Yoongi's chest their legs tangled together.

"Goodnight hyung."


To Be Continued

Sorry that this chapter is a little shorter that before but we're going to have another Q&A just for the two of us authors. This closes on August 20th 2018.


Hope we can answer all you questions! Also if you guys haven't yet look up in YouTube Love yourself answer Epiphany. IT'S SO AMAZING I won't spoil anything and this was written in a course of a week most of my chapters are but thank you again for all of your support. It means a lot. Not many people read Taerin's book Hybrid in our page. It's not that new but doesn't have many chapters and only has 8 views. Could you help with that he could use a boost after everything. Thanks! 💜💜💜💜💜

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