Plan in Progress

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Yoongi POV

"I'll come with you. Just don't hurt the innocent understand. I will soon be your boss and you should listen to me, get used to hearing my commands." I say smiling as the man nods his head.

We walk outside and left a note for the boss saying I wasn't feeling well. We entered a car and I was soon drifting off to sleep making sure my phone looked like it was dead.

Thank you for coding that Hansol.

As I was half asleep I heard the men talking.

"We should be there soon Mrs Min."

"Good job boys your reward will be given to you at te end of the day."

"Yes ma'am." The second guy responded

"Good now make sure Yoongi doesn't leave the house until His father and I talk to him."

"Yes ma'am!" They shouted then mother hung up he phone allowing me to properly sleep until we arrived. Knowing these guys they probably are going to get stuck in traffic.

To Be Continued

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