Just Getting Started.

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Yoongi POV
It's been a while and all I've seen in Jimin sleep. He literally is sleeping for hours and hours. That's usually me... I know he wants to find out what happened but I don't know if I'm ready for him to know the truth. Yes what happened was not ideal. I mean him not remembering me took a pretty big chunk of my heart out. He took it off his finger and gave it to me saying I had the wrong person...

I don't like talking about it with anyone really but today is a different day. I'm going to go plan Jimin and I's second date.

Jimin POV
I have been sleeping since that's how I've been gaining my memory of what happened in college. But recently I think Yoongi is upset that I've been trying to figure out what's happened that I'm ignoring him. We have work tomorrow too. Can things get any worse?

"I'm going out Jimin!" I hear Yoongi shout

The door then closes and I lay there in the bed. I got up and did my morning routine expecting things to be normal when I hear a knock on the door.

Did hyung leave his keys?

I walked to the door and opened it. My toothbrush stuck in between my teeth my hair still messy.



"Well I sorta kinda need help... you see I may have a crush and I don't know if I'll be able to hide it." He said walking in

I quickly finished brushing my teeth and came back out to see Jihyun laying on the couch. I pushed his legs off and sat down next to him.

"Well first of all can I see a picture of him?" I asked

Jihyun pulled his phone out and went to his Instagram page.

Jihyun pulled his phone out and went to his Instagram page

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"Wow nice choice, little bro."

"He's kinda my teacher, he's 25 and... I kinda sorta... ALREADYKISSEDHIM!"

"Woah woah woah what? Speak slower."


"Ok. Deep breaths. In... and out... in... and out..." I began

My brother has a crush on his TEACHER!

"The worst part is... no never mind."

"What? It's seems to be troubling you."

"Well~ I sorta, kinda, kissed him in front of the class."

"And how did this happen?"

Flashback Jihyun POV
It was Math class and we were being taught about geometry. Luckily the math teacher was sick so our health teacher took over. I wasn't paying attention I was just staring at his beautiful face. Oh I could stare at it all day long.

"Sir may I use the restroom."

"Of course."

I stood up from my chair and walked down to the door when I tripped landing myself on top of Mr Choi.

Every body screamed when I kissed the teacher. We just laid there, STILL KISSING, as they screamed. The bell rang signaling next period. Once they all left I quickly got off of Mr Choi and helped him up.

"I'm sorry about that." I said as I began to play with my bracelet

"Don't worry about it. You obviously fell. It's not your fault."

What would you say if I said I wanted to do it again?
I thought

"I would gladly kiss back."

"I-I said that out l-loud?"

"Yeah, you did."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"No no it's ok honestly I'm glad you said that."

"Why wou-"

I was cut off by him kissing me again. I responded...

Flashback Over

"Wow... well if you both really like each other in the end I won't stop you from dating. Just don't get caught. Your lucky your a senior and of age. If you weren't eighteen I would've been so mad that you decide to tell me after you two got married."

"Hyung your over exaggerating."

"Ok ok. Could you help me though?"

"What's wrong?"

"You see I don't really remember college. And I've just realized that My roommate was also my sunbae and dorm mate in college. Do you know what happened?"

"All I know is that he ended up hurt and never visited you after that first time. I saw him wear a cold expression before heading his cries just around the corner when I followed."

"I remember waking up in the hospital. That... that doesn't make sense!"

"Oh it will when you've regained everything hyung."

"Why don't we do something else?"

"I should head home though I still have homework and all so."

"Alright then."
Jihyun got up and grabbed his back while I went to the door and opened it.

I'm just getting started

To Be Continued

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