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Sexual content I apologize for those who are innocent.

Yoongi POV

"That's what happened?"

"Yeah I was out of my little space right after we got in bed but I got cold so I got closer. I was close to falling asleep when it happened." Jimin responded

I can't believe I did that! I kinda remember. We were watching cartoons after I had became a little bit more sober than drunk. We went to go to bed in Jimin's room and were snuggled up together.

Right before it happened

We quickly went to Jimin's room and went under the cover. Jimin snuggled up close to me placing his head near my chest. I started to blush, and then did something I never thought I would do if I was sober.

I kissed him on the lips. He at first didn't respond but after a few seconds he did. It was a hungry kiss, our lips attacking each other. My hands went from his waist down to his butt and I squeezed it making Jimin moan, his mouth open for me to explore his mouth. We separated needing air and I soon fell asleep after.

Jimin POV (still when it happened)

He kissed me it was all out of the blue... I though he's drunk he doesn't really want to do this. I kept saying you can't kiss him back he doesn't feel the same way. But my body didn't listen soon enough we were stacking each other. Yoongi's hands slowly grazed me as he went down to my butt. He squeezed it tightly making me moan loudly in pleasure. Leaving my mouth open he stuck his tongue in and started exploring me. I wanted to take dominance but knew that I would fail. After a little while we broke off needing air after that. Yoongi fell asleep looking so cute and hot as his breath was still a little uneven.

What am I doing? He...




And after that I fell asleep not knowing that he had felt the same way the whole time.

Present Yoongi POV

I... I did that'.


What the hell. Damn it my head hurts!

Why did I think that was a good Idea!

"Jimin I remember everything about last night after we went to your room." I said nervously

"O-Oh umm-" he got cut off

Ring rings... ring ring

"Hello?" I said through the phone

"Yes this is Jimin Park and Yoongi Min's aparment?" The stranger asked

"Yes what is it that concerns us"

"Hey man Its Namjoon and Seokjin. We came to visit since we haven't talked in so long."

"Oh ok are you already here or one he way?"

"We're on the hhs we should be there in 20?"

"Alrighty see you then." I responded.

"Looks like we have guests coming let's get dressed and talk about what happened when they leave."

Jimin just nods trying to figure out a way to talk about this later today. He walked into his room to change.

I on the other hand was trying to act as if nothing happened.

I need to act fine so that my friends that are coming over don't suspect anything suspicious. Jimin came back and walked to the kitchen to make some food. When I blurted our...


To Be Continued

I'm sorry that the chapters have kinda been short but we've been busy. The other author just woke up and so I've gotten

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