Mission: Final Stage

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Hey R&D's! Turns out we were able to finish it on time!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Let us know if you want a second book! Learn about Yoonmin married! Kids anyone? Maybe its up to you! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Jimin POV
Hyung has been really busy lately. He's been working on a lot recently. From what I was told he auditioned for a entertainment company and has been working on lots of songs as samples of what he or his new coworkers could do. He even sent in a video of my dancing. Wanting me to be a choreographer or us being in a band together.

I miss him though. He's been so busy that I haven't seen him come home... and that I've been sleeping over at VKook's for a few days.

Ring ring


"Chim, let's go out on a date today. I know I've been busy and I wanna make it up to you."

"Sounds perfect! Should I wear something specific?"

"Wear something cozy."

"Ok." I hung up and quickly ran toTae and Jungkook's room



"Get the door."

Tae got up and opened the door, "We were in the middle of something, Chim!"

"Yeah I know. I need help! I have a date and I don't know what to wear!"

"Ok, we can help. What time did he say he'd pick you up?"

"He uh never said when..."

"Ok we have a short amount of time. KOOK! Go get some clothes that would be good for this weather and look hot for Jimin please." Tae ordered as if he was a stylist...

"What's with the sass? And Jin hyung isn't even here!"

"It's called acting you idiot."

"That's Hyung to you!"

"Yeah yeah..."

"Ugh, just get me the clothes so I can look good for Yoongi!"

"Honey, no matter what you wear your going to look fine af so please! Stop with your desperation to look even hotter than you already are."

Jungkook came in with many outfits for me to choose. I went and tried them each on.

 I went and tried them each on

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Outfit 1

Outfit 1

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