The siblings

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Woozi's POV
"No, Hoshi, you did this. Just wait until my brother finds out and beats the crap out of you."

"Woozi!... woozi... LEE JIHOON!"

Woozi kept on walking ignoring Hoshi's shouts as he wiped his tears.


And with that Woozi left the school, got on his motorcycle and went to Yoongi and Jimin's apartment.

Jimin's POV

Yoongi and I decided to take a few days off from work. Yoongi was in his laptop playing a game while I was watching tv.

"Hey Hyung?"


"Could I go little for a bit?"

"Sure... just let me log out of the game really quick."

I nodded and went to change into my pjs so when I went little I'd be comfy and so Yoongi would have to change me. THAT'D BE EMBARRASSING!

"JIHOON!?" Yoongi yelled

Who's Jihoon?

I then went little not able to stay out for much longer.

Woozi POV

I knock on room #27 and wait for someone to answer. Someone opens the door looking tired and pissed for some reason.

"What the hell do you want!" He yelled

"Hyung?" I asked recognizing the voice almost instantly.

"JIHOON!?" He asked now seemingly fully awake. His eyes wide as he stared at me.

"Can I come in Yoongi Hyung?"

"Yeah," he moves so I could come inside, "one sec I have to get my roommate."

I didn't know hyung had a roommate he practically hates everyone. Especially dad! I'm one of the few he acts kind to.

"DADDY!!!!" Someone says from down the hall.

"Jimin, I know you feel all little but I need you to go back to being big alright? Can you do that for daddy?" Yoongi asked


"Hyung, where's the bathroom?" I ask when he comes back.

"My roommate is using it at the moment."

I just give a forced smile before sighing and slouching.

"I know that look anywhere... what happened? Boyfriend problems?"

"Yeah. My boyfriend, Soonyoung or Hoshi, and I got into a fight. He's one of the many popular guys like I am. We were having lunch when he left for the bathroom."


"I'll be back, bathroom."


"So as I was saying there's this one girl who can't seem to take a hints Jisoo is mine!" Yelled my friend Jeonghan

"Ok." I said acting as if I was paying attention.

He then continued to ramble on about how so many girls won't stop checking out his man.

"Hoshi's been gone for a while... I'm gonna go check on him." I said starting to get up from my seat.

"Ok, just leave me alone for the rest of the lunch period to make out in the bathroom."

I walked away not commenting to Jeonghan's statement. I walked down the hall and to the bathroom.

When I got there I saw Hoshi up against the wall cornered by the most popular girl in school, Kyoyan, smooching and grinding her hips against Hoshi's crotch. I didn't see his face but she kept on kissing him and moaning.

"YAH!" I yelled anger building up inside of me.

"Woozi... this is nothing she doesn't exist to me." He said pushing Kyoyan away from him.

"No, Hoshi, you did this. Just wait until my brother finds out and beats the crap out of you."

"Woozi!... woozi... LEE JIHOON!"

Woozi kept on walking ignoring Hoshi's shouts as he wiped his tears.


And with that Woozi left the school, got on his motorcycle and went to Yoongi and Jimin's apartment.


"That son of a..."

"Hyung?" My voice cracked as I looked at him tears threatening to fall again.

"Shhhh... it's ok to cry Jihoon." Yoongi said giving me a sorrowful smile

"Hi, Jihoon I'm Jimin. I am goin to tell you that things will get better."

"How do you know Jimin-shi?"

"Because my brother went through the same thing."

"What's your brothers name?"

"Park Jihyun."

"He goes to my school actually. We are lab partners."


Jimin get cut off by a knock on the door. Jimin gets up quickly and opens it to see...


To Be Continued!!!

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