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Yoongi POV
"Daddy." Jimin croaked

"Yes Minnie?"

"Is the bad guy gonna get me?"

"Of course not! I'm here and as long as I'm here your safe."


"Really. Now let's continue cuddling." I said wanting his skinship.

We continued cuddling till Jimin fell asleep in my arms when I soon let my sleepiness take over as well.

It was pitch black but I all of sudden heard cries and a man, that same man, grunting in pleasure as he continually went in and out of HIS whole the one I want to claim as mine. But I couldn't do anything. This seemed like it was if I never met Jimin.

"Somebody help me-e-e~" he whined

"Shut up and be good for master maybe you'll get an reward... kitten." The man had said

Jimin didn't respond *slap* still no response *slap slap slap* he moaned out a yes master be for being pounded his eyes rolling back as fresh tears stained his face.
End of dream

I woke up after that to see Jimin whining and crying quietly shaking as he hugged me tighter.

"Hey hey hey... wake up baby boy wake up." I said quietly as I shook Jimin gently.

"Daddy it was a dream right? Nothing bad happened to me?"

"Of course not it was just a nightmare sweets."

"Okay." Jimin said clearly hearing a pout as he talked

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked

"Mhm. The stranger was doing nasty things with me in an ally way you were there but couldn't do anything. You just stood there dazed. daddy didn't protect me!"

"I tried right? I will always try as best as I can and if I can't I'll try even harder when it comes to you."


"I love you too Minnie."

We quickly fell asleep after that Jimin snuggled against me light snores escaping his lips. I stayed still smiling as my arms were around his waist. I didn't have any nightmares the rest of the night.

The Next Morning (Yoongi POV)
I woke up earlier than Jimin. He looks so peaceful just resting his head there. I turn to grab my hair home from the nightstand and quickly call Hoseok.

"Hey Hobi."

"What's up hyung? Are you and Jimin not going to work?"

"Yeah yesterday we had a problem on the way home."

"What happened?"

"I'd rather talk about it in person and I don't know when Jimin's gonna be ok." I had told Hoseok and began playing with Jimin's hair.

"Alright I'll let the boss know something bad happened and your taking the day off to relax."

"Thanks we owe you."

"No problem."

I hung up the phone to see Jimin smiling at me and beginning to sit up. I let go of his waist and sat up as well. ( Yoongi only turned a little to grab his phone and remember his arms were around Jimin's waist the whole night)

"Who was that?" He asked rubbing his  eyes.

"I called Hobi we're taking the day off to relax after last nights events." (If only he meant the other "events" 👉👌. I'm killing you guys)

"Yeah I'd prefer that, thank you hyung." Jimin then got up and headed to the bathroom.

I sighed as I got out of bed and joined him in the bathroom.

To Be Continued

Sorry guys I had to! My friend Chris read it before posting this he was so pissed and he hasn't even read the whole book just this chapter and he's Continued Raül asking me when I'll write the next chapter for him to read.

Have fun being tortured by my wickedness!


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