Did I meet you before?

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This —> italic means a dream for now later it'll be thoughts like it is usually

The picture above is of me in the dress I wore for my date with Taerin! I really love the look! Tell why you think I'm the comments!

Jimin POV
"Please stop!" I yelled at the guys who were now surrounding me

"You deserve this you little faggot!" One of them said before kicking me in the gut

They all began hitting me and kicking me. They probably bruised my ribs and broke some of my bones too. I'll be in trouble by my parents and the school again. The adults think I'm a delinquent so I'm treated as one. When really I'm being bullied because my face is chubby and I'm short for a guy in college.

"Hey! Stop hurting him!" I random guy yelled

"Why are you helping this faggot?" The main bully asked more like yelled

"I am because one I'm a superior and two because that's my friend." The guy yelled back

"Sorry, sir. It won't happen again." They all said bowing at ninety degrees before scurrying off probably to go smoke

"Hey...," the guy began, "My names Min Yoongi. I'm a senior here in the music producing department and do rapping as a minor."

"Park Jimin, sophomore in the dance department and do singing as a minor."

"Nice to meet you. I'll take you to the infirmary than help you to your dorm if it's alright."

I just nodded and reached my arm out signaling for some help up. We began walking through the halls, my arm over Yoongi sunbaenim's shoulders, before I fell my legs giving out. Sunbaenim has picked me up and put me on his back like I was piggy backing him. He carried me the whole way to the infirmary before lay me gently on a bed for the nurse to attend my wounds.

"Yoongi could you bring him to his dorm later?" The nurse asked

"Oh no he doesn't have to, he helped me get here. I think that would be enough. I don't want to be a bother."

"I don't mind Jimin. I'll help in anyways I can."

"Thank you, sunbaenim!" I said cheerfully and slightly bowing, trying not to worsen my wounds

"No problem."

The nurse continued to help me before leaving the room quickly and saying I should rest and that if Yoongi sunbaenim had any classes to go to them.

I soon drifted off to sleep not knowing if  he left or not.

I woke up from my dream, my head spinning with thoughts like:

Was Yoongi hyung my college sunbaenim?

Why am I getting dreams about college all of a sudden?

What is happening?

I got up to get a drink of water from the kitchen. As I walked through the hall I could hear Yoongi hyungs soft snores from the living room. I rushed to the kitchen passing Yoongi's sleeping figure. I filled a cup with water and began drinking it slowly going back to my thoughts.

Do I still have some pictures of when I was with my sunbaenim?

Where'd I put my college stuff anyways?

If I find a college picture I compare it with Yoongi hyung to see if their the same!

I finished my water while I was thinking. I did the same as last time and sneaked around the living room so I wouldn't wake hyung up. As I made it to my door I carefully tried to open it without making a squeak when Yoongi hyung groaned.

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